
Ahhh, you noticed, thanks! ;-) And yeah, can't go wrong with Neal Stephenson, he deserves his home on my book shelf. It's not exactly a new book though, just one I hadn't got around to reading until now.

I am yet to read a lot of his books, but yeah. If I still kept books on shelves, he'd need one along with Teryy Pratchet and Robert Rankin. Although they are quite different in style and thematicly, all three would need personal shelves.

If I still kept books on shelves

Does this mean you do most of your reading on an e-reader device? I love my Amazon Kindle; it's easier to take on the train and saves me a ton of physical storage space. But I still like to buy the occasional physical book, especially when I go on vacation. There's just something so deeply satisfying about the weight and bulk of it in my hands, and that crisp new book smell... plus Kindle is crap for illustrations.

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