My New Book is Now Out on Kindle - Co-Written with Jerry Banfield

in #books7 years ago

So today my first published book was released.

It's called the '42 Secrets of Influence' and it was co-written with Jerry Banfield @jerrybanfield and edited by Michel Gerard @gmichelbkk

Click below to get your digital copy now :)

Below is the text from our book landing page written by @jerrybanfield

"Would you read this book to discover 42 secrets of influence because we find it much easier to unlock our full power and reach our maximum potential in this life when we use these strategies? Examples include tips to master persuasive communication online and produce videos up that create that emotional response in the viewer! We expect after reading this book for it to be easy to write in a way that sticks with the reader so much that the reader shares it and says, “Can you believe what I read the other day? Would you please go read this because I loved it and I think you will too?”

We are grateful you are here with us today because these are the things that have made a fantastic difference in our lives and we are certain what works for us will serve you well too! We each have the ability to go on our computers and to make a real difference each day especially in sharing the unique gifts we have with the world. As we share our tactics, we hope that, you are empowered to claim the gifts you already have and use them with as much power as we do!

We hope that you are inspired today to give up the meaningless work so many of us call a job and step up into doing what we are excited about doing every day. This might be writing an epic blog post or authoring a book where the idea has been with us for years. It might be producing a video online sharing the best or the worst story of our lives life with the hope to help other people. We believe this book will help provide the necessary faith to just jump in and start doing what you love, and trust the universe will give you back what you need to support that in terms of money, power, and respect.

Thank you very much for starting this book and we hope you love it! Would you please join us in learning and remembering the strategies that have proven effective for us to be influential online, starting out from zero because as soon as you see these strategies, you will immediately start thinking of ways to go forward yourself? You might say "Hey, you know what? He did it that way. I’ll try and do it that way too," or "He did it that way. I’ll do it a little different," and then the results will start coming for you as well as they have for us with now millions of followers online!

We are excited to begin this journey with you, and we hope you love it!


Jerry Banfield and Tomas George"

Below is a photo us having fun and enjoying our work - Chapter 11: The Power of Collaboration

I hope you find this book entertaining and insightful!

Click below to get your digital copy now :)

Thank you for reading this and if you like this post could you please upvote it :)

Talk soon,



Looks great! Im going to grab my copy now :)

Are you doing a printed version?

Hopefully, soon we should get one on Create Space for the printed version soon. We want to get the audiobook done first though!

Will definitely read this book

Thanks :)


I will enjoy reading this book

Thank you for your support :)

you welcome ^^

Wow. Congrats! This is a big thing! I came to steemit because of Jerry, and writing again after 6 years(I had been blogging for 5 years before) gave me back the person who I really was and am now, with confidence. So a book is a proud moment I think. Thank you guys!

Nice, thank you!

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