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RE: A book that changed my life? My post for the @bananafish question.

in #books5 years ago

That is a true fact that the more we spent on listening stories in our nanny lap the more it generates interest to read as we grown up. The passion for book reading can not be come automatically unless you have such craze to listen stories. Obviously the old grand mama...never remain with us forever but their touch with the stories in our life made us to search out for stories which ultimately ends up with books...and we get solace among them.

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True, reading has been for me a way of recovering the sensation of absolute plenitude that was traveling through the worlds that my grandmother summoned. I don't say it in the post, but my mother was also an excellent storyteller and knew many poems by heart. My maternal grandfather was a walking encyclopaedia: in the end, it is a network that leads us to value fiction, thought, reflection, information... And all our lives we will continue in the search for those experiences.
Thank you very much, @steemflow, for reading my text and sharing your comment.
A hug!

Thanks @adncaberera our surrounding does influence us in growing a liking for something...wether be it in the society or in the family...the better the environment the better it could be...👌

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