llusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah - Richard BachsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #books7 years ago (edited)

This is another book that was very inspirational to me as a youngster. It is a story about reality and the illusions that we create, others create for us that we are conditioned to believe, and what it means to realize what life is. It's a great story and I highly recommend reading it.



I also loved it in my youth, gave away many copies.

Great idea, I need to start doing the same, it could change peoples lives! You never know ;)

Yes, very good, but his other books are also lovely to read. I started from Jonathan Livingston Seagull (they even made a movie of it, with music by Neil Diamond). Check on YouTube.

Yeah JLS was the first that I read as well, I've read a few of the others too, good stuff! :)

I read it in my youth, it made a lasting impression on me too. Another book that made an impact on me was Zen and the art of Motorcycle madness.

Yes, another great book that I would totally recommend!

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