"A man is afraid a woman will laugh at him..... A woman is afraid a man will kill her."

in #books7 years ago (edited)


That's one of the core quotes/concepts in this book 📚 which should be required reading for the freshman class of every high school in the world. Perhaps earlier.

Here's the deal:

Our species is 200,000 years old.

We figured out iPhones and twitter barely 12 years ago.

Friends, our biology has not yet caught up with our culture.
We need to consciously recognize the innate gifts our instincts still serve, despite our rapacious need to rationalize away that which does not compute to our conscious, analytical, logical minds.

We, all of us, as human beings, are blessed/cursed with the capacity to demonstrate the highest heights of good and decent acts, unfortunately coupled with a very real capacity for unimaginable acts of evil.

Our instinct, that "gut feeling," is there to serve us... Yet humans are the only animals on the planet who don't immediately trust their instincts.

Interesting excerpts from the non-fiction novel:

Correspondence between Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud:

Albert Einstein: ...man has in him the need to hate and destroy.

Sigmund Freud: Unreservedly.

100% of serial killers have been abused as children, either with violence, neglect, or humiliation.

This book is as creepy as it is fascinating.

The author, Gavin de Becker, is the man Oprah Winfrey calls "The nation's leading expert on violent behavior."
His book teaches you how to spot subtle signs of danger and how to protect yourself.

I don't recall how this book got on my reading to-do list, but there are 40 people on the waiting list at the library who had the same idea:


So I'm off to return it, and I highly encourage everyone, especially women, to read this book.

Be safe, we are one.

@scan0017 😘

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