Do you love to read books, how about ebooks? Which do you prefer?

in #books7 years ago

Reading is a very important part of my life. My grandmother took care of us while my parents worked. We always had books and reading times. My Dad would read us amazing books before we went to sleep. He was a great storyteller, and made the fantastic stories come alive for me!


photo of the movie poster is from dot com/title/tt0041259/

One of my favorite stories that we shared with my Dad was "A Yankee in King Arthur's Court". It was very relevant to me because I grew up in Connecticut. It was written by Mark Twain, and started my love for my favorite genre - Time Travel.

The movie came out in 1949, and we watched it on tv with my Dad. It was a wonderful film with Bing Crosby. I wasn't born until 1957, so I am not sure when we saw the movie exactly. I always prefer to read a book before seeing the movie because the movie is usually very different than the way I created the story in my imagination.

I will write more about Mark Twain in another post. He is a very important historic figure in Connecticut.

The link with information about the movie is here -

You can read about the book here-

Free e-book in various formats are available at Project Gutenberg here-

Free audiio recordings of the book are here-


(photo license free to use, share, or modify - even commercially) photo from dot jpg

I love to read paper books, but will read an e-book in a pinch. LOL. I used to spend a fortune on books in the "old days". I had not used the library since high school, really.

images (6).jpg

(photo license free to use, share, or modify - even commercially) photo from http://philbradley.typepad dot com/.a/6a00d8345223b869e20147e1abe03a970b-800wi

Now, my husband goes to the library for me at least 3 times a week to return and pick up books! If I need to buy a book, it will be an ebook, but I usually just get free e-books on Kindle or from my library account.

Don't get me wrong, I completely believe that authors need to be paid for their work. I just can't afford to buy books since I stopped working due to ill health, and am on Social Security Disability. So don't say that I am cheap or not supporting authors!

I did not have much time to read as an adult when I was working. Now I read for hours every night, and it is very healthy for me to learn new things through the novels. I almost always read fiction, and learn something from my favorite authors with every book.

I will be writing about some of my favorite authors, and the series that they write in future posts.

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https://upload dot wikimedia dot org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1a/Goodreads_logo.svg/2000px-Goodreads_logo.svg.png

Goodreads helps me keep track of what I read and what I liked. I have 14,305 on my list there that I want to read! Yet I am always looking for more suggestions. LOL

The last few years I have participated in the reading challenge. I chose 100 books for the year as my goal. So far this year 7/27/2017 I have completed 113 books. Wow, I am impressed with myself. (kidding)

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I am learning to do graphics little by little for my posts, don't laugh!


i love to read books

Thanks for reading and commented on my post @diya28

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