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RE: Would You Like To Take A Look At My Bookshelves? An Intimate Glance at Mountain Jewel

in #books6 years ago

Oh my goddess!!! What an extraordinary collection!!! I want to come up and curl in a corner with a pile of your books and a chai! Speaking of ethnobotany, have you read Wade Davis's One River?

There are so many books here I would like to read, particularly the spiritual plant books.

How beautiful that you inherited your grandmother's book fetish!! I do think a love of books passes down the generations. I just was given a stack at Mum and Dads but I'm a bit over fiction at the moment. I just ordered 'The Art Of Frugal Hedonism' by an Australian woman I heard on the radio the other day and am waiting patiently by the post. Plus a Pema Chadron.

Thanks soooo much for finally sharing your books with me !! I think I have just spent half an hour reading all the titles in utter desire and longing!!! We must be synced as I am halfway through the forgiveyourself post.. which was a hard write!! Might be a few more days thinking about that one!!



ah hah! i love your words and enthusiasm!! big smiles over here!! <3!
funny you ask re: wade davis-- ini just read that book this winter and raved about it, although i have yet to read it!

yes the spiritual plant books are so so good. you've heard of stephen buhner? his book on fasting, his herbal antibiotics/antivirals series, plant spirits and so much more are absolute and total gifts to humanity!!

the art of frugal hedonism! sounds great- i'm going to look it up right now!! i like the idea that book fetishes are inherited. i've loved the smell of "old books" since i was young!

haha yeah it took me a while to get to this post for some reason,,, but! the inspiration struck this morning and i went with it! seriously took those photos way back when the contest was still live ;) no pressure or worries about the forgiveyourself post! totally whenever/if you feel it!! :D definitely synced <3

I'm just up to the formatting stage and being shy about sharing but in the next day or so expect my heart to be revealed!

That's weird about Wade Davis.. It's a fairly old book!! I will look into Buhner. I love this sharing of books and am trying to devise a cool theme/hashtag to keep it up as there are so many things we can learn about folk from their books!

yes i love that too!!! hmm theme hashtag! i think the show me your bookshelf is a cool one :D looking forward to your post. i am so so deeply excited for whatever twill be! <3 <3 <3

I was thinking of a three book stack challenge - the bookshelf one has been done sorta, and takes a long time to do, but most of us libre lovers have 3 books on the go at any one time. So it would be interesting to talk about them and share. What do you think?

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