Rare Book of the Day – The Secret Meaning of Things, Lawrence Ferlinghetti. First Edition.

in #books6 years ago

Lawrence Ferlinghetti is a pretty important figure in the history of twentieth century letters, particularly with the beat generation. Born in 1919, he is a poet, painter, social activist and co-founder of City Lights Booksellers and Publishers in San Francisco. He started the bookshop in 1953 which was the first all-paperbound bookshop in the country. In 1955 he began the publishing wing of City Lights, with the publication of his book of poetry Pictures of the Gone World, which was the first in the Pocket Poets Series. This volume was followed by publications by such luminaries as William Carlos Williams, Kenneth Rexroth, Allen Ginsberg, Kenneth Patchen, Marie Ponsot, Bob Kaufman, Denise Levertov, Robert Duncan, and Gregory Corso.

The fourth volume in Ferlinghetti's Pocket Poets Series was Allen Ginsberg's immortal Howl, which was seized in 1956 by the San Francisco police. Ferlinghetti was arrested and, along with several others involved, charged for obscenity. He had the support of major academic and literary figures and, at the end of a long trial, was acquitted. This incident served as a landmark first amendment case in which controversial literary work is deemed to have redeeming social importance. At age 99, Ferlinghetti is still around and active, owning City Lights and continuing to write.

The Secret Meaning of Things is Ferlinghetti's fourth book of poetry, published in 1968 by New Directions. This is the first paperback printing:


An early photo of Ferlinghetti in front of City Lights:


Ferlinghetti and William S. Burroughs:


Ferlinghetti and Allen Ginsberg at Jack Kerouac's grave:


More info here:


Interesting service you provide, here :) I'm fond of City Lights bookstore, and was lucky to be invited to participate in San Fran Intl Lit Festival, as well as see Ferlinghetti read.

Incidentally, a neighbor of ours in MD recently passed away (oldest living relative of Edgar Allen Poe) and is looking for someone to appraise her library/rare books, etc... Any tips?

You're in luck if you're in MD. I'd contact Quill & Brush (https://www.qbbooks.com/). They're very well respected and do great work. They also come out with what is pretty much the definitive first edition identification and pricing guidebook, "Collecting Books."

Excellent, that's good to know; thanks, for your prompt, helpful reply. I've passed it onto concerned party :)

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