Rare Book of the Day – Play the Piano Drunk Like a Percussion Instrument Until the Fingers Begin to Bleed a Bit, Charles Bukowski. First Edition.

in #books6 years ago

Charles Bukowski is the man. The prolific poet, novelist and short story writer was notorious for his boozing, relationships with women, and all-around bad-assery. Born in 1920 and a prolific writer until his death in 1994, his work focuses on the ordinary lives of poor Americans, writing, alcohol, women and the dullness of work. One critic described his writing as "detailed depiction of a certain taboo male fantasy: the uninhibited bachelor, slobby, anti-social, and utterly free," an image which he certainly strove to live up to.

This is the first paperback edition, published simultaneously in hardcover, of his poetry collection with the great title of Play the Piano Drunk Like a Percussion Instrument Until the Fingers Begin to Bleed a Bit.




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