Old Book in Romanian Cyrillic language

in #books7 years ago

Old objects is one of my passions

Therefore I would like to present you one of my most valuable old artifacts that I own.
I hope I will find here some impassioned fellows to discuss and share some toughts about this book and maybe even find a new much more suited owner for it.


I found this book when I was just a child, within by grandparents stuff after they passed away and it is at the moment one of my few legacies from them and so it does not have only a financial value but also a sentimental value for me.


The book is writen in Romanian Cyrillic language that is no longer used to write the Romanian language as it is now, but it was used before 1850, when it was totaly replaced by a latin Romanian alphabet. You can find even a Romanian Cyrillic alphabet which I also used to translate some of the text and find out that the script is some religious poetry about Jesus Christ. I've done this research in order to find out the period during which the book was printed as I could not find any printing year on the pages. The book is the phisical proof of the old romanian language and alphabet before beeing influeced by latins.


So the printing period is not a certainty for me but what I know is that the book is definetly before 1800 which makes it about 200 years old. After 1850 the writing in Romanian Cyrillic alphabet was no longer used.


After about 10 years since I've got the book I feel that is quite urgent to do something with it, to preserve it somehow to be able to send further such an artifact in a perfect condition to the next generations.

I am not sure if I am able to do that or what will involves this (costs or investment) so if any of you has experience with such books and preserving instruments I would really appreciate your advice.

I also take in consideration finding another owner for this book for a good price if he also could have the proper conditions to preserve, or sell it to a museum. So if any of you has interest to buy it give me a decent price that you would be willing to offer for it and we will talk more about it.

Don't forget to up vote and resteem the post and follow me if you liked it !



Nice find, there are not to many books written in Romanian before 1800, mostly because of the occupancy. In Wallachia because of the phanariotes, Romanian was not even taught in school, till Gheorghe Lazăr started teaching it at the Holy Sava School. In Moldova the predominant language of books was slavonic. In the late 1700s books started to be printed in Romanian also in Vienna and Budapest, due to "Școala Ardeleană" movement.

If you happen to find some books in Romanian, in any form of writing, and don't need them, let me know.

Wow! 📖📖

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