You Like Horror Books? Check This Vlogger Out!

in #books6 years ago (edited)

A good number of my followers enjoy my take on the various horror books I read and review here on both Steemit and Goodreads, but there are only so many hours in the day, and I can't possibly cover them all.

Fortunately I'm not the only one out there reading and talking about the forgotten dregs, the trashy classics, and the undiscovered gems of horror's heyday in the 80's and 90's. I stumbled across a vlogger on YouTube last night who can help fill in the gaps and open your eyes to some of the many, many possibilities out there for the die-hard horror enthusiast. His channel goes by the name 'Paperback Mania'.

He's been around and doing his thing for less than a year, but what started out as a "maybe I'll do one or two of these and see what happens" project has over the last nine months taken on a life of its own. I thought I owned and read some weird shit...Leon's got me eclipsed, outclassed, and shredded by a country mile:

His early videos, like this one, are very much of the "finding his voice" variety, but newer ones are more practiced. He shoots everything in one long, continuous take, and he doesn't script anything, but he's still very good at speaking and holding the viewer's attention. If you hate reviews that seem to be made of nothing but jump cuts every 3-4 seconds, people ranting and raving and losing their shit over the tiniest things, copying other vloggers like the Angry Video Game Nerd or Jimquisition, Leon's stuff is a breath of fresh air.

Go check out his channel, click a few videos, and see if you like what he does. He's small-time, fewer than 500 subscribers, and most of his videos only have a few hundred total views. I hate using the little 'bell' thing to get notified of new video posts, but he's not about to spam my account with half a dozen uploads every day, so I'm using it for him.

I'm not affiliated with Leon in any way, just sharing my love of paperback horror books with an audience I think will appreciate it. Maybe if he gets some comments, we can get him into the community here. If you like his stuff, tell him I sent you over, link your Steemit page, and who knows? Maybe something awesome will happen.

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