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RE: Why I Will No Longer Make My Books Available in E-Reader Format

in #books7 years ago

Theft is rampant in the digital age, Ive found so many of my own videos around on THIS website already with people claiming that they made them, outrageous


i've never understood the mentality behind the plagiaristic actions. whether it's writing or an image or a video...just mind-boggling.

for me, i always assumed it was the "the work has already been done, so why should i try"

ive seen it hundreds of times on here already, it happens non stop, someone posted an article that i had JUST read on coindesk, word for word, just copy and paste, i asked him if he thought it was ok to do that, and he messages back "did i do something wrong?"

answer: "yeah, man. you did something wrong." jesus.

the laziness is unbelievable. i'll find something i find interesting but the words are mine and i'll include the original link for further reading (if that's how i found the info). i just can't stand laziness in writing or creating.

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