Leave a short 3+ line review of this fabulous professionally published novel on Amazon.co.uk for an up vote with 80%+ voting power from me

in #books7 years ago (edited)


Someone I know has written the perfect summer/autumn novel set in the English lake district (and Cambridge). It is about a group of friends who met as choristers at Cambridge university and what happens when they reconnect later in life in the lake district and secrets that may or not be able to be forgotten about. It is a complete page turner and describes wonderful parts of England too. I personally loved the book.

It is a professionally published novel (not some poor quality self-published book) that has great reviews so far. However to get properly noticed by Amazon and recommended by its engine to more readers, the author's editor told her she needs 50+ reviews. She currently has 20 as most of the people who read it haven't left a review. I thought I'd see if I could get steemit followers to help fill the gap with the extra 30 reviews she needs. If my description of the book is enough to get you to buy it on amazon brilliant (it is only 4 pounds on kindle and 8 as a paperback). However if you want a free pdf of it to review I will send you one if you email me at [email protected] and you can still leave a review on amazon.co.uk - its just that it will be an unregistered review but that still counts towards the 50 reviews.

To get the upvote from me Please:

  1. post a review on Amazon UK at https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01NHA86IU
  2. Copy the review into the comments below and let me know if you want me to up vote your comment or a recent post.

If I get lots of responses I'll do the promised up votes in batches so you get at least 80% of my voting power


Katy x


You are a genius. Commenting so I can come back to this later and edit with review.

Thanks! Great - look forward to hearing from you soon then. The book really is good too as was her previous one - and I'm quite a picky reader...So hopefully you'll actually enjoy it as well in which case it is a brilliant win /win all round ! Katy

is it your's :D

Hi @blazing - No its not my book but is by someone I know. And she is a professionally published fiction writer. I think the book is really good. Are you up for giving it a review? Hopefully you'll enjoy it - its a great read.

Wow great novel . Love to read more of this type. I m giving 5 star. Guys grab it fast

@katythompson i have made a comment what you have told.
Please visit my blog.

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