in #books7 years ago

A book for those who are serious about self development. This book was introduced to me around the time that "The Secret" movie came out. Jerry & Esther Hicks make The Secret seem like play school for those who are knowledgeable on the law of vibration.

This book was the second in their famous "Law of Attraction" series, and I highly recommend all of the books in the series, particularly "The Astonishing Power of Emotions" and 'Ask & It is Given" Also "The Law of deliberate Intent"

This book, 'The Law of Attraction" is a little smaller than most of their offerings, but it is the perfect overall book of Jerry & Esther's teachings, in one powerful compact read.

Abraham (channelled by Esther), is the group consciousness that delivers the powerful messages and phrases throughout the book, and some will be revelations that leave you in tears upon seeing them for the first time with new eyes.

This book would be perfect for those who have already dipped their toes into personal development and also conscious creation.

To say that the book is a great read is such an understatement, moreover, the book is more like an instruction manual, and the product being used and learned about is 'life"

We absolutely have the tools and resources at our disposal, to enhance our lives, or completely change them onto a new direction, the choice is completely ours.

We get what we think about, whether what we are thinking about is beneficial to us or not. The key take away for me from this learning curve, is that each moment is a moment where I am creating my future. Thoughts and emotions need respect, as they are powerful attracting, creating machines.

These type of books, should be essential reading for young teens growing up. The book encourages taking full responsibility for what you are "getting" in your life right now.

My copy is completely covered in highlighting from the numerous times I have read and re-read, and the highlighting is great as I can flick anywhere in the book and go straight to what stood out to me when I read it as significant information. Literally the whole text could end up highlighted as the information is that solid.

Read this book if you are interested in changing anything about your current life.

Don't think of the colour Blue....If you did just think of the colour blue, as we are conditioned to do, then you now understand one of the many lessons to learn in this book..."there is no such thing as "exclusion" in an "inclusion" universe"

Lets try that again...Do not think of the Statue of Liberty. Well, you are getting the point, there is much room for improvement!


I always liked your unique taste for different movies, documentaries and now books. Will read it soon...

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