Collection of books [These are some of them]

in #books7 months ago
Allah is the greatest and almighty. Very kind, may Allah send the Rehmat and Barakat on our Hazrat Muhammad sallallahu alihe wasallam always Ameen. And the good is for the good ones in hereafter.

After all, this post is on my blog and about the collection of books I am having. I must say these are some of them. Nowadays we can't find the habit of reading and collecting of books, or if we find it, then it will be in very little amount of people.

Collection of books
Is a habit for book readers, was a habit for writers too. Yes it is a habit of good writers. But I used was for the first time, because of the very good writers always had a small Library for them, where there were books from mostly every writer took place. And of every kind. But now the writers are having some of such ancient books in their libraries. And nowadays the writers are having very less reading in comparison between new and old writers.

That's what I am looking. I am slowly collecting books for my small Library In'shAallah. Yeah I am writer too, that's why I love steemit platform. But I am trying to collect and read books as much as possible. This will let me get educated till the death.


These books are originally monthly magazines. I collected these for years, every single month. Due to some busy reasons I was not able to collect these after 20 sixteen. But still I have hope to get re united with this magazine once again.
Other books are very much bigger than these. I really feel educational whenever I start reading any of book from my collection. It can be on history, it can be Arabic poetry, it can be Arabic Grammer, it can be Incident's book, those happened in past, and of Anbiaa, Sahaba, awliaa, and Ulama.

That was for today guys, I hope you enjoyed the short post for today's blog. I am happy to share my feelings with platform. Let's go to bed with reciting the name of Allah.

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