A Book Review : The Law - By Frédéric Bastiat (nonfiction)

in #books7 years ago

My Libertarian Bible

The Law - By Frédéric Bastiat

This book was written in 1850 and as a result, you may find it for free to read here. Though it was written so long ago. The words are powerful, concise, and just as relevant as ever. It is really a quick read, an hour of your time. Maybe 2. JUST DO IT!

This book has the @drpuffnstuff stamp of approval!


In that hour of time you will read as plainly as ever, the common views of libertarians. In very eloquent, to the point wording. Most libertarians will be sad they didn't have this book to help them explain their viewpoints. Since I read it, it has made this easier!

This book lays out the best system of laws that can be made in a free and open society, and shows how all of these laws best support freedom.

Bastiat is also the creator of the broken window parable. I'm sure a few of you have heard of that. It deserves and will get it's own post by me a bit later on!

Here are 3 great quotes from the book..

“But how is this legal plunder to be identified? Quite simply. See if the law takes from some persons what belongs to them and gives it to other persons to whom it does not belong. See if the law benefits one citizen at the expense of another by doing what the citizen himself cannot do without committing a crime.”

He makes the claim that politicians are like pirates, plundering from one and giving to another through guise of law. He states in the most clear way I have ever heard. How to determine a good law from a bad law. He goes on to state how America will fail. Giving one law to the rich so they can plunder, then being forced to make a law for the poor to equal it out. No law that places restrictions or favors any person over another is a good law. America is ran this way, giving one benefit to the rich. Turning around giving a benefit to the poor. If everyone doesn't benefit from it or can't use it. It shouldn't be a law.

“Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough.” - Frédéric Bastiat

This was part of his thoughts on politicians. If only they would reform themselves instead of everything else.

“Everyone wants to live at the expense of the state. They forget that the state lives at the expense of everyone.”

“Government is the great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else.”

This directly nails my political belief. All words in this book are words I live by. Words that I feel, make me a better person!

If Steemit were a government the payout model would be government 50% , curators 25% (before taxes) , Authors 25% (before taxes).. At which point it would steadily go downward, the government grabbing more and more. This is how governments run. Especially since they can't print it, though of course they would find vague language in the white paper, and change definitions to allow them to print the Steem or take the newly minted steem and divide it out to the witnesses. Governments are creative, always imagining new ways to take from one and give to another!

I could fill pages with all the great things that he says in this short book, but by the end the whole book would just be written here. Then the Cheetahbot would come yell at me. So I will leave the rest of the great paragraphs for you to discover yourself. Treat yourself! Its short, yet profoundly written! It is must read!! Ohh I almost forgot, here are the study guides that came with the book as well!!


Thanks for taking the time to read my short book review of The Law. I hope I have convinced even 1 of you to browse through it! If you already know Bastiat.. What are your favorite quotes? Do you think he got anything from his book wrong and if so what? I hope to hear from some of you!!

Upvotes are appreciated. follow if you like the things I post about, and Resteem if you just want to share the gift of The Law with everyone else!!

I puffnread it, and you should too!



Great post. I love Bastiat's The Law. This was one of the first books I read that really lit a fire under my booty. Love it!
"The law perverted! And the police powers of the state perverted along with it! "

Broken window theory makes me shudder. I had a chief that used community policing to stay in power and he was always going on about broken windows. This book is great though, I highly recommend.

I really called my attention to your post, you convinced me to read the book. In my country there is a saying mu rooted, that says "Who makes the law, makes the trap". I upvote and I follow. I'll keep track of your posts. I hope to see you for my post soon.

It was originally a pamphlet, so its short enough.. I will check your blog out and say hi one sometime soon. And what country are you from that has such good saying?

I am from Venezuela, this is a saying that is very ingrained here and is today more current than ever.

I feel so bad for my far away neighbors down in Venezuela. I'm up here in my comfy recliner preaching on about perversion of the law while you and your close neighbors are living "the trap". I hope things get much better for you and your country. I fear we will see that fate someday up here in the US.

I find it odd I have never read Bastiat, as he seems to wisely agree with me in every sentiment ;) I will now, thanks to your link.

I also resteemed so more might also find this treasure, that might otherwise not have.

I believe you will find this to be a great asset! I'm also looking forward to the idea you had about the end of nation states. and I hope you post more about it.

I hope I do also =)

Thanks for posting. I'll be sure to read it.

It is good, it will be worth it!

taxation is theft.

This post has received a 20.55 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @drpuffnstuff.

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