Waiting for the Progress of Indonesia at the London Book Fair 2019 | Menunggu Kiprah Indonesia di LBF 2019 |

in #books6 years ago

For the first time, Indonesia became the participants at the London Book Fair (LBF) on 10 – 12 Apil 2018 then and seen quite successful because of 300-Ness book titles brought, approximately 135 titles of interest for translation in various foreign languages. Indonesia could stare LBF 2019 held on 12 – 14 March with a more optimistic and propose more titles of books in the international event.

Admittedly, out of 135 titles of interest, not all of them will be translated into a foreign language. So far, only 14 titles have been translated. Based on data from the Indonesian Creative Economy Agency, the 14 titles of the book were purchased by China (10 titles), England (1 title), France (2 titles), and the United States (1 title). The value of the 14 titles sold by the copyright is estimated at the US $ 113,625. This prediction value does not include the addition of six titles sold after the exhibition is finished.

For newcomers like Indonesia, this is certainly a proud achievement because it is not easy to publish one book title into a foreign language because it requires large capital. The Daily Chairperson of the LBF 2019 Focus Market Committee, Laura Prinsloo, said that the sale of 20 titles in LBF was good. "The selection is very strict, if 14 books have been sold, it proves that other countries are confident in the quality of Indonesian books," said Laura who also served as chairman of the National Book Committee (KBN).

Opportunity for all

Indonesia is present at LBF after signing a three-year contract since 2018. This means that Indonesia must attend for three consecutive years at the international book exhibition. This is an opportunity for many parties, from writers, editors, translators, graphic designers, publishers, to book enthusiasts in Indonesia to speak at international events, to introduce Indonesian books, languages, and culture to the world community.

So far, Indonesia is not yet known as a country that has a strong tradition of literacy such as Japan and several other countries. In fact, many Indonesian books have been translated into English and received awards from various countries.

For the writer, this is a great opportunity to write and publish quality books to get away with it. The time available is very narrow considering the time needed to write is very dependent on the creative process of each writer. There are writers who consider one year to be short because it requires long research. However, for other writers, it could be enough for a year to write one to three titles.

Fair selection

Many writers in Indonesia expect their work to be chosen as the book brought to the 2019 LBF in the UK. So far, the author's book title has been selected and submitted the book to the committee to be selected. Somehow the selection process was carried out so that in 2018 many writers claimed to be disappointed because the information and mechanism of selection were unclear.

The committee is expected to see the quality of the book and open the author, especially if the selection is done with a personal approach because of the selection of the author's close friends. The selection team's integrity is crucial so that Indonesian books are increasingly in demand by the world community. []

Menunggu Kiprah Indonesia di London Book Fair 2019

Untuk pertama kali, Indonesia menjadi peserta pada London Book Fair (LBF) pada 10 – 12 Apil 2018 lalu dan dipandang cukup berhasil karena dari 300-an judul buku yang dibawa, sekitar 135 judul diminati untuk diterjemahkan dalam berbagai bahasa asing. Indonesia bisa menatap LBF 2019 yang berlangsung pada 12 - 14 Maret dengan lebih optimis dan mengajukan lebih banyak judul buku dalam even internasional tersebut.

Memang harus diakui, dari 135 judul buku yang diminati, belum tentu semuanya akan diterjemahkan dalam bahasa asing. Sejauh ini, baru 14 judul buku yang sudah pasti diterjemahkan. Berdasarkan data Badan Ekonomi Kreatif Indonesia, ke-14 judul buku tersebut dibeli hak ciptanya oleh China (10 judul), Inggris (1 judul), Perancis (2 judul), dan Amerika Serikat (1 judul). Nilai dari 14 judul buku yang terjual hak ciptanya diperkirakan mencapai 113.625 dollar Amerika Serikat. Nilai prediksi ini belum termasuk tambahan enam judul buku yang terjual setelah pameran selesai.

Untuk pendatang baru seperti Indonesia, tentunya ini termasuk prestasi membanggakan karena tidak mudah untuk menerbitkan satu judul buku ke dalam bahasa asing karena membutuhkan modal besar. Ketua Harian Komite Pelaksana Market Fokus LBF 2019, Laura Prinsloo, menyebutkan penjualan 20 judul buku di LBF sudah bagus. “Seleksinya sangat ketat, kalau 14 buku berhasil terjual, itu membuktikan negara lain yakin dengan kualitas buku Indonesia,” kata Laura yang juga menjabat ketua Komite Buku Nasional (KBN).

Peluang bagi semua

Indonesia hadir di LBF setelah menandatangani kontrak selama tiga tahun sejak 2018. Artinya, Indonesia wajib hadir selama tiga tahun berturut-turut di pameran buku internasional tersebut. Ini menjadi kesempatan banyak pihak, mulai dari penulis, editor, penerjemah, desain grafis, penerbit, sampai peminat buku di Indonesia untuk berbicara di ajang internasional, untuk memperkenalkan buku, bahasa, dan budaya Indonesia kepada masyarakat dunia.

Selama ini, Indonesia belum dikenal sebagai negara yang memiliki tradisi literasi yang kuat seperti Jepang dan beberapa negara lain. Padahal, buku-buku karya penulis Indonesia sudah banyak yang diterjemahkan dalam bahasa Inggris dan mendapatkan penghargaan dari berbagai negara.

Bagi penulis, ini menjadi kesempatan bagus untuk menulis dan menerbitkan buku berkualitas agar bisa lolos. Waktu yang tersedia memang sangat sempit mengingat waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk menulis sangat tergantung dengan proses kreatif masing-masing penulis. Ada penulis yang menganggap satu tahun itu waktu lama singkat karena membutuhkan riset yang panjang. Namun, bagi penulis lain bisa jadi setahun sudah cukup untuk menulis satu sampai tiga judul buku.

Seleksi yang fair

Banyak penulis di Indonesia mengharapkan karyanya dipilih menjadi buku yang dibawa ke LBF 2019 di Inggris. Selama ini, judul buku penulis ada yang dipilih dan mengajukan bukunya kepada panitia untuk diseleksi. Entah bagaimana proses seleksi dilakukan sehingga pada 2018 lalu banyak penulis yang mengaku kecewa karena informasi dan mekanisme seleksi yang kurang jelas.

Panitia diharapkan melihat kualitas bukunya dan buka penulisnya, apalagi bila seleksi dilakukan dengan pendekatan personal karena yang menyeleksi buku kawan dekat penulis. Interigritas tim seleksi sangat menentukan agar buku-buku Indonesia semakin diminati masyarakat dunia.[]




That sounds very exciting. I have not read any Indonesian writers, i'm afraid. Are there any of your liking that you'd recommend (available in english or spanish)? short stories? novels?

There have been many novel Indonesia already translated in the English language, but if the Spain I do not know. Please try reading the tetralogy this Bumi Manusia (The Earth of Mankind) by Pramoedya Ananta Toer, I am sure you will fall in love with the books.

Thank you. I hope it can be found soemwhere online. I'll do some search. It is hard to get books in Venezuela, as hard as getting cash. Crazy, right?

Krue seumangat...Good Luck

Good luck beu meuraseuki, meunan dali bak Allahta'ala...

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