[Book Review] INFP: 10 Case Studies On True Nature Of INFPs
INFP people are idealists and dreamers. And this book shows that with well written real stories of INFP people who used their strengths to succeed. This is my first book review and my first post of #challenge30days.

Salam (Peace)
Last year (God!! it has already became last year) I found out that my personality type is INFP, I found that their description of the personality perfectly describes me. I looked into the topic a bit and other personality types.
So INFP is a combination of letters that describes a person, I'll just put them here but you have to really read a lot to know what each of them really mean:
- [I]ntrovert: The person gets energy by being alone, okay when with few people but crowds bother them.
- i[N]titution: The person sees things through his imagination more than senses.
- [F]eelings: The person makes decisions with their heart more than their mind.
- [P]erspective: The person collects other options/information more than choosing.
That makes INFP a person who is very individualistic, understanding, creative and has a strong moral code. But prone to overthink and also terrible at making fast decisions due to their tendency to evaluation all the options.
Personality types (and to find out yours)
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The Book is Collection of Short Stories
I found this book in my search about this personality type, it only contains stories. Just stories about people who had INFP characteristics and how they used them to their advantage. The stories are heartwarming, and while not all of them are happy, they all have protagonists who overcame a challenge in some way.
This book is very good because it shows the bright side of the INFP personality... Because due to their strangeness, INFP people are prone to depression.

[Click For The Kindle Version]
This book can be read as a collection of heartwarming short stories even if you're not interested in Personality types. Each is 2-4 pages long so they won't take a lot of time reading.
Idealists Who Succeeded In Their Life
I liked some stories more than others, from ten storis I'd talk about three of them.
"Dreams Are made of These" is a story about woman used her strengths to become a popular one while all the people around her told her she can get a better job. This is the first and longest story of the book.
"Listening and Truly Hearing" is my favorite story where a father peacefully solved his daughter problems (drinking and bad friends) rather than punish her and make her more stubborn.
"Friendship Earned Is A Friendship Kept": Lauren met a girl in a party and became her friend, when she told her friends they told her many bad things about the girl, so she decided to know her and if the rumors are true. A story about trusting intuition and understanding the good in other people.
Other stories include one about a person taking a leadership after seeing the bad state of the team, another about a woman who stayed by her friend side after the friend did a life-ruining mistake.
All in all it's a good book. Highlights the gifts an INFP person has and how it can be used in real life situations. The book didn't show any of the dark side of this personality type (and it's a lot darker than many other types) but it didn't need to.
It was worth the price for me as I wanted to read successful people like these.
What do you think?
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How cool! Do you know if this author has written other books on the other personality types? I'm similar to you, I'm an INTP.
Sadly, I Don't know.... There doesn't seem to be any by the same author on Kindle.