in #bookreview7 years ago

Book Review.


Is a book I like to lebel small but mighty.

Photo by @uche-nna

It's compelling, educative, inspiring, direct and wryly funny.

It emphasize on

  • how to empower a female child to become a strong, independent woman.

  • how to encourage reading culture on the younger ones.

  • And debunking the myths surrounding women.

It's a book for all -both mothers, aspiring mothers, fathers and aspiring fathers too.

Actually this book review was inspired by @adedoyinwealth, @beanz, @jeaniepearl, @gee1, and @edith4angelseu.

They really made me to see a reason why I should express my activist as a feminist here on steemit, and am sure they must have have read it, if not please do, you would love it.

Thanks y'all 😘😘😘

Now talking about the book, I wish I could capture all **CHIMAMANDA NGOZI ADICHIE ** said in this book because they are much. But I would like to write on some specific words and sentences she said in the book that touched, moved and relates to me and the society around.

Please Note : it's a book for a friend of hers who asked her on how to nuture and train her baby girl as a feminist.

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One of the things I learnt here is we learn new things/ways, whenever we fail.
And this part makes me remain great full with my mum. Though she didn't do the looking things up on the internet, but the did the rest of them, when trying to raise us all and am happy for whom I am today.
I got my desire for reading from her from a tender age.
She doesn't give me all the materialistic things I asked of, but when it comes to getting me books she really did made sure she provided in that aspect always.

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Actually this place always reminds me of @jeaniepearl. I loved her for this, she didn't give into the idea of gender roles -that is choosing a career not minding what the society will say or see it.

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I felt an unadulterated joy when I first read this part.
You need to see how I read this part again and again only God knows how many times I did that. 😂😂
Been the first born of my parents, they didn't give into the idea of cooking was meant for girls from the start.
I started following my mum to the kitchen though I didn't like it at first but with time I came to love it and that was how cooking became my second hobby after reading.
I paraded myself with pride about my love for cooking because whenever I was been told that "cooking is a girly stuff", I shot them down with this particular line. 😊😊

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Reading this I was kind of despondent.
This was one of the things I faced from the society for been an effeminate lad.
But thanks to my parents they never talked about it or try to change me like the society tried doing.
I grew up to been myself even though I tried changing but it really never worked out.

THE LESSON FROM THIS PART IS: Please do not twist or change yourself into shapes to please the society at large. Don’t just do it.
If someone likes that version of you, that version of you that is fake and draws back, then they actually just like that twisted or changed shape, and not you in particular.
Always know that the world is such a gloriously large, multifaceted and a diverse place that there are people in the world who will like you, -the real you, just as you are.
So don't try moulding yourself to something you are not.

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This is the part I try to tell young ladies about. And if I should gave birth to a daughter, I would definitely do same too.
Why I say so is because of the agony and lack of joy women go through in marriage, just like my aunty's neighbor.

The husband is someone that has a strong hold for patriarchy.
He goes out anytime and anywhere he wants to go but don't allow the wife to do so.
He keeps a hell lotta female friends but always disagree the idea of his wife associating with males.
He doesn't deprives himself of the things he loves but he does that to his wife.
The wife loves nature alot (the zoo in particular). But the husband disapproved her going to zoo saying that he doesn't like her and his children to visit such a place.
The wife at first disagreed to his discission but later succumbed to it.

Seeing this I was so unhappy because a woman and her two kids had been deprived of visiting the place they love the most for an unreasonable reason.

Though one of the reasons is because she isn't well educated and sophisticated.

I did my best by given her this book in particular to read but couldn't even read quarter of the page.

I tried but I would still keep on trying still she sees a reason to my preaching about equality in marriage.

That's what we Feminist do ✌️.

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This part is what I do encourage all individuals to do. Be it married or unmarried.
In future to come, my child must definitely practice this fifth suggestion.
Because I believe if we all are educated, then the world would be a better place for us all.

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This is 100% true.
To me it shows you are a misogynistic.

But when ever I read this I feel kind of down because of what women of those times do past through for giving birth to female child -(How they were been blame and humiliated for giving birth to a female child instead of a male child, meanwhile it was the fault of man, because WOMEN ARE XX AND MEN ARE XY)
Though it still happens in Africa places like Nigeria but thanks for knowledge and biology, it's been reduced.

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Been married doesn't mean you have made it in life, like most girls see it.
A marriage can be happy or unhappy but it is not an achievement.

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It really tells us about likeability.
we should teach the younger ones especially the girls not to make herself likeable. Her work is just to be her full self.

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I smile to this because this would go a long way in encouraging and building up more young Feminist.

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Yes it sounds awkward but sex education is very important.
Some girls and even boys too had been mislead about their body and sex, all due to lack of knowledge when it comes to sex education.
Thanks to books I read, It really helped me not to fall a victim of one.

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This part sounds disturbing to me because she said "assuming she is heterosexual".
But then I thought does it mean other forms of sexualities doesn't experience romance too??
I think is know because I know we have a lot of different sexualities and orientation, up to twelve different sexualities.
[please if you want me to do a post about the sexualities, do notify me in the comment box]

All photos above are with my TecnoW3xLite🤳

In conclusion.
Teach her that her standards are for her alone, and not for other people.

About the Author.

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie is a writer and a feminist whose works has been translated into thirty different languages.
She's the author of


"You say the word feminist and there is automatic hostility and it closes the door to debate. It’s also important to say that a lot of this hostility is primarily coming from men. There are some women, who are hostile to feminism, but it’s primarily from men and in a certain sense, it’s not that surprising because all attempts to correct injustice are met with hostility and antagonism. It comes with the territory.

I guess my point is that it’s not a reason to stop or lose hope, because for every 100 loud voices of hostility, there are also those who are quieter and more reflective, and for me that’s progress.

Thanks for reading.

You can resteem if you think this post is worth reaching out to people.

And your upvotes too will be appreciated because their are list of books on feminism I really want to buy since last year, so I would be more versatile on it and be able to impel the feminism movement to a greater hight. But financial resources has been withhelding me from doing so 😥😥.

Here are some of the books in Nigeria currency 👇

  • 1 Under the Udala Trees by Chinelo Okparanta 3k
  • 2 Domestication of Munachi by Ifesinachi Okpagu 2k
  • 3 The Book of Memory by Petina Gappah ,3k
  • 4 Like a Mule bringing Ice Cream to the Sun by Sarah Ladipo 3k
  • 5 On Black Sisters Street by Chika Unigwe 5k
  • 6 The Night Dancer by Chika Unigwe 2k
  • 7 The Secret Lives of Baba Segi's Wives by Lola Shoneyin 2500
  • 8 The woman next door by Yewande Omotoso 3k

That's the main list for now.
And this can be achieve our helps.

Thanks once more.

We should all be feminist.
Gracias 😘.


Meanwhile she is at social functions bragging about how great marriage is and is enlisting her friends to join in with her misery. She insists that her husband’s friends are stand-up guys and that you should be the woman to entertain one of them in hopes of getting a ring. She wants the credit for putting together the match made in hell. She will help you jot down all your wedding plans and essentially map out your entire life if you allow her. This is what a “desperate housewife” does; she edits her unhappy ending while creating yours.

- Akuoma Omeoga, The Snatch Trap.

Daaaaaaaaayum! At first I thought this was just a laundry list of rejiggerings of what Adichie wrote in her article but you took it far beyond that. This post is both inspiring and inspired.

Nigerian feminism is a peculiar beast. On the one hand, there is so much institutionalized bullshit from men, so much opposition to women doing anything at all that doesn't fit with the "culture" or "tradition." Yet on the other hand, we have a long history of women striving and achieving on every level and tier in those same cultures despite that opposition. Dora Akunyili is a good example that Adichie also mentioned (I don't approve of a corrupt waste of skin like Okonjo-Iweala sha but then again, she's no worse than the hundreds of monstrous thieves we have had klepto-perambulate through our government who happened to be men)

On the third hand, we have the women who have done their own life mathematics and found they have more to gain by throwing their lot in with patriarchy and playing the roles it lays out for them -- or at least exploiting it for their own advantage.

It is so important to raise our girls to be free to be able to strive freely without having to be some kind of rare extraordinarily exceptional individual just to push above the grinding miasma of societal expection, the cloying crushing hold of hearth and home and marriage and motherhood dragging them down.

You just said the bomb
"It is so important to raise our girls to be free to be able to strive freely without having to be some kind of rare extraordinarily exceptional individual just to push above the grinding miasma of societal expection, the cloying crushing hold of hearth and home and marriage and motherhood dragging them down."

I agree with you 100% on this..
Thanks for stopping by to read..
Please do come again.

Very nice review dear, I am yet to pick up some of the books. Chimamanda is a great writer and I love her loads. Thank you so much for finding me inspirational.

Smiling thanks ma..

Am great full..
And please do pick up all her books, I already have my with me. And I bet you would love them all.

If you don't know were to get them.
I can direct you to some bookstore both online and offline.

Keep inspiring me😊.

Wow, you are a reader. Just knowing this makes me feel like I already know you too well. Thanks for this.

You might just have @funmiakinpelu..
And thanks too for stoping by to read.
I appreciate it.
Please do come again.

What a nice write up, dear! I haven't read this one yet. My family tried to train me in cooking but all sides failed for the most part. It was a major factor in the dissilusion of my marriage even though he wanted to be a chef!! Is t that funny? I'm ok loving me for now. I'm just trying to do good things and be stable and healthy... are you married?

Smiling with an unadulterated smile.
Am glad you liked it.

Just as you said I would really encourage you to do good things, be stable and healthy because I tell you, you would be glad you did.

Thanks for stopping by ..
I appreciate it.
Do come again..
And ohh am not yet married.. (single and not yet searching)

i love Chimamanda and haeve rwad Half a Yellow Sun , Purple Hibiscus, and Amerikanah
Very profound philosophy with grest storytelling. Shes a genius. Some issues woth trans women that i hope she works out soon but other than that amazing

Yeah you right..

I think I might do a review on those books someday.

She's just exceptionally great , 😊 and I call her my second mom

And also too I read about that issue she had with trans women and I just hope it gets settled.

Less I forget try reading this one too. You would love it

Hey i messaged you in discord btw!

I have not read this book yet.I look forward to reading it. It feels good to meet someone who shares these views. Adichie nailed it with this book. I will have to read this post over and over again.Thanks for this brilliant review.

@esttyb you just made me feel like I have already made it in life..

Please do read it .
You would love it.
If you need address of were to get it, I can give you the bookstores I know would have it.

And thanks for stopping by, do come again.

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