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RE: High Kill by Diane Ryan: a Steemit author tells ugly truths in the guise of fiction - rave review by Keangaroo

in #bookreview5 years ago

Wow - your reply here is a book review in and of itself. Well said!!
Charles, and Eric, and Erik. I should have said more about Erik! And his (actually, @rhondak's) song lyrics. Incredible stuff.
Taylor. Yeah, I felt the same way. I refrained from saying she's hard to like, but you just reminded me how much Taylor drove me crazy to the last page - she does come around, a lot, and learn a lot, and make a character arc, but she has some arc to climb, as I see it. :) But this is a book review, not a counselor's office or a sort of AA (PTSD-Anonymous) meeting.
This is spot on: *Some I'd give my house keys to on first meeting. And some I wouldn't trust to fetch my paper. It's an interesting mix, occasionally dangerous, but I'm blessed to have lucked into some truly amazing neighbors.for all the awful people in the world - we can still find GOOD people, and if we're fortunate, that's the kind who surround us.
Thanks for your thoughtful (as always) commentary, which, as always, is worthy of being a published post in your own blog feed!


Thanks, @carolkean.

Yeah, one of my favorite parts about the story is how Taylor, the experienced reporter and well-versed woman in her world, actually learns more from Eric the teen than he does from her, in the long arc of the story.

And I think his example goes a long way toward making her a kinder, better person, with greater tolerance and patience.

She does have a long way to go, but then by the end of the book, she's really only just begun in her deeper healing process, so that's forgivable. And she has a huge advantage, and advocate, in Charles, who's true blue throughout.

My take, anyway.

I actually did write a full review for Rhonda, some months ago, and I've recommended the book to a lot of people I know.

Great stuff.

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I'd love to be in a book club, discussing your insights - and I totally agree with everything you posted here.
Now to see if I can find your review!

Book club? Did you say book club? for Steem might be just around the corner. . . .

@rhondak Did you ever use the review I sent you?

With both my last laptop and external hard drive having crashed, I'm not certain I still have a copy, though our local computer guys did manage to pull about 750 GB of data off of my crashed laptop's hard drive.

God Bless Repair Ninja in Cookevlle, TN. And they only charged me $50 plus tax to retrieve my data. I LOVE these guys.

I did include something of yours in the pre-sale media, but I wouldn't be able to post it on the regular Amazon site as an official review. I'm sure there's a copy of it somewhere. :-)

Cool. I'd love to have it if you come across it. ;-)

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Okay, if there's going to be a book club on the horizon with the two of you, count me in! ;-)

@carolkean @rhondak

Ditto that - I'm in!
Today I finished reading"High Kill" for the third time or more.
This is a CLASSIC that deserves to be on the N.Y. Times Best Seller list.
On Oprah's list.
This should be the most-talked-about book of 2019.
You can quote me on that!

Lol, glad I'm not alone. I was just thinking today that I am ready to read it again. ;-)

It's a hell of a good book, and one hell of a ride. I've read NY Times bestsellers that weren't anywhere near this quality.

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I agree!
And maybe not best sellers, but with publishers like Hydra, Random House, all the big names, and NOT AS GOOD.

Yup. Right there with you.

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