Book Review: Anything You Want by Derek Sivers

in #book2 months ago

In "Anything You Want," Derek Sivers shares his experiences and lessons learned from starting and running CD Baby, an online music store he founded in 1998. The book is written as a collection of short essays, each focusing on a specific aspect of business or life philosophy. From valuing employees and customers to setting boundaries and staying true to one's vision, Sivers offers practical advice and inspiration for anyone looking to build something meaningful.


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Read Anything You Want by Derek Sivers

Takeaway Points:

  • Focus on serving your customers above all else. According to Sivers, "The real point of doing anything is to be happy while you're doing it." He emphasizes the importance of creating value for others rather than just trying to make money.
  • Embrace constraints and simplicity. Rather than striving for endless growth and complexity, Sivers advocates for keeping things simple and manageable. This allows businesses (and individuals) to stay focused and maintain their values.
  • Hire people who share your values and fit with your culture. Sivers believes that hiring the right people is crucial for long-term success. He prioritized finding team members who were passionate about music and customer service over those with extensive experience.
  • Stay true to your vision and don't compromise your principles. Throughout the book, Sivers stresses the importance of having a clear purpose and sticking to it. When faced with difficult decisions, he encourages readers to consider whether they align with their core values.
  • Don't wait until everything is perfect before launching. Sivers advises entrepreneurs to start small, learn from mistakes, and iterate along the way. As he puts it, "It doesn't have to be big; it just has to work."
  • Empower your team and give them autonomy. Instead of micromanaging every detail, Sivers encouraged his employees to take ownership of their roles and responsibilities. This fostered creativity, innovation, and job satisfaction among the CD Baby team.

Read Anything You Want by Derek Sivers

Overall, "Anything You Want" is a refreshingly honest and insightful look at entrepreneurship and personal growth. While some of Sivers' philosophies may not apply to everyone, there are many valuable insights and practical tips for building a successful business without losing sight of what truly matters. Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur or simply looking for inspiration to live a more fulfilling life, this book is worth reading.

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Read Anything You Want by Derek Sivers

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