[BeNotAfraid] - Renovate it's not scary when you know what and how. Part two.

in #book7 years ago


Possibly you need to collect all his beloved relatives who have to live under the same roof of your home. And this circle can be different, as you might imagine. But the MAIN thing - all you really will live together in the new house. Let not the rest of your life, but quite a long time.

To work at its best - you must fall in childhood. In a good way, of course. Or become a psychologist. For the time being. For the game.
To choose you, as the organizer, in what role you feel more comfortable. Because you will have to organize a real role-playing game. All, without exception, cohabiting persons. And called this game "Our sweet home".
To participate in the discussion should more or less adult family members. No options. This is a prerequisite and this you need to start.
Here is how time at this stage will be very useful to all 150 kg of the previously purchased magazines about interior and repair. Just a storehouse of games!
The rules of the game are not complicated, but very exciting. It is necessary to warn players about the fact that the entire process will go with a break "to think".


 Give them bought magazines and scissors and ask everyone to cut exactly what, in their opinion, should certainly be in your house or even in their room. Or if it is more convenient to do on the computer, let them do it.
 And it can be do not have interiors, these can be just any details: the chair, vase, painting, curtains, a doorknob, something interesting for each of them
 Once all the logs are indented, and relatives get tired of the kaleidoscope of images, it is proposed to make a break with tea and cookies
 Don't go on about the adults of the future house! No alcohol and meat. Only tea and sweets. Will be kinder, many will agree with.
 Do not force them to take action immediately. It's very hard, after such hard work. Give them time to think about completing your irresistible smile the first round of the game.

Why do you need a short break?

So at the initial stage to neutralize the enemy SPONTANEITY.

We are prone to spontaneous decisions. Our psychological matrix designed in such a way that emotions prevail over reason. If you try, simply remember a lot of folklore stories about "Danger foreseen is half avoided." and "It is easy to be wise after the event."... But this is not the case. With the DREAM HOUSE you cannot do that! The idea has to "establish" as they say.
And this is the time required for you and your family in order to want to get together again and talk in more detail about your future home.

At your disposal is 2-3 days.

This is quite enough for each member of this creative "marathon". Otherwise, you have to start all over again
And that's when you will gather again at the table, and everyone will have their own set of pictures, it is here that you realize what you are all different, or opposite how much you have in common.
This is very important! This will help you later when selecting one or other finish materials, furniture and interior details. And color solutions for each room.
What's next, now how to put all this in a beautiful picture of the future living space? It turned out a continuous kaleidoscope!

All these collages are not similar to the original idea that you came up with in your mind.

 My husband likes dark black color and minimalism.

 Mom all you need in thingies and rugs, and even lamps in retro style.

 Dad prefers wood and all natural materials

 Son likes modern high-tech

 And your daughter has not grown out of the image of the Princess.

 Well, and you all wanted to do in the style of French Provence.

What to do??!!
"Calm, the perfect peace of mind!" - how would say a Swedish "fan hooliganism" Carlson,

All is not scary. It is very achievable.
Fortunately for you and unfortunately fans of the "purity" of styles in architecture and design.

That is a reasonable compromise leads to the creation of truly the best interiors!

We live in a very technological world today. Speeding in the twentieth century th, progress and does not think to stop.

Every day we are witnessing new discoveries and technologies, which was recently described by science-fiction writers in their novels.

Many of us can not imagine their civilized life is not something to the toilet with the self-lowering lid and wish a nice day, but without any "fancy" technology of the TV or a vacuum cleaner robot.

And our house we are trying to adjust for all these "smart" thing. So imagine yourself in the Palace interior of the outflow chamber pot is extremely difficult.

Today the world of architecture and design is ruled by COMPROMISE.

Only together, and only together you will understand that for you all is primary and which is secondary. And only after this happens "in the brains of enlightenment" and you will understand that you don't have to do your home in a single style and mommy can have its own special atmosphere in the room, and your son and daughter in General can be a mixture of styles, and each will be this good.

Here are just a husband you need to talk separately do the same to do a bedroom in black tones!

And thanks to this game, in picture you will receive your card desires.

You can draw on a large sheet of paper or make a big collage with art. editors in the computer. Importantly, for each has his own will, and it is clear will be that you will soon have to spend money.

So we gradually come to the budget, but more about that in the next part.

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