I like my bonsai sunnyside up... with heat come weeping leaves

in #bonsai6 years ago


We are half way through a heat wave. This week has been one of the worst weeks in the year for me. I almost lost a few of my trees due to high temperatures. Today we at 31 degrees Celsius. The temperatures will be dropping as the week progresses. The tree that I used as a feature image for this blog is one of favorite trees. Those of you that have been following me for some time now should know this tree. For those of you that have not seen the tree in all its glory. Here is a photo so you can see the difference in appearance:
IMG_5101.jpgThis photo was taken on the 23 September 2018 just before it went on show.

This is just one of trees that have been damaged by this sudden change in temperature. Here is a few photos of other trees that suffered the same faith:

Most of the trees that got burned by the sun were deciduous trees. Just the one Oval Privet that got burned but that is due to the bad soil mixture that it is planted in as it dries out very quickly.

I must say that other trees are loving the temperatures and some of them like this maple are doing great.IMG_5451.jpgSo not all deciduous trees have weak stomachs... #maplesaretough I replanted this tree last year to get the tree to recover after I worked on it and to let it regain some strength.

I moved a few of my smaller trees into the shade of my bigger trees. I also placed tree trees that got burned in a more shaded area. I check my trees every day after I get home just to see if they are doing better in their new positions or if I should move them. I try and only water my trees once in the morning as I am not home during the day and I do not want my trees to stand in water during the evening. So I try other solutions. One thing that I see that has a big influence on water and health of the tree is the correct soil mixture.

Other trees that are doing well are trees like my Ceder I replanted last year. I was so afraid that I would loss this tree as it stood still and almost did not grow at all. It's like the tree woke up from the grave. It's shooting out new growth at a rapid rate. IMG_5438.jpgIMG_5440.jpg The lighter parts on the branches are the new growth since beginning of September 2018.

Here are a few more trees that I have featured before that are doing great.
IMG_5443.jpgIMG_5441.jpgMy black monkey thorn at its best. Still has leaves from last year but you can see new growth shooting out everywhere on the tree. Love this tree.
These trees are all young designer trees that I styled during the competitions. This one is from March 2018 IMG_5448.jpg
These two are from 2017.IMG_5452.jpgIMG_5453.jpg
As you can see they are growing at a great pace. I will not be working on these trees now. I will be allowing them to grow out and I will trim them back and let them grow out again to encourage back budding.

These trees I trimmed back early in September 2018. Look at them now!IMG_5455.jpg

So as you can see things are doing well at the nursery through all the ups and downs. I know in my last blog I mentioned that I will be trimming some of my trees. I was a bite preoccupied keeping trees alive so please forgive me for not keeping up my end. I will make sure to post the blog shortly. I will make it extra special.

Hope you enjoyed the blog. If you have any comments please leave them below.


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I wish you and your bonsai trees much success to come through this hot weather... The sun burned down almost all of my plants in the garden i had just some small potatoes to harvest :/ Of course the impact for you is much harder because these trees are years long friends.. I send some energy for your friends !


Thank you Sir you are too kind.

Wow, @rmanolsamuels, I truly believe that bonsai farming is an art.
I wish you permanent success with your cultivation

Its amazing how acclimatized the trees can be. 31c is just another day in paradise for my trees. I don't even start moving them into the shade until it hits 40c+ (With a few exceptions for trees that don't like direct sun at any temp)

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