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RE: Transplanting a Juniper tree into a new space [Bonsai]

in #bonsai6 years ago

A very informative post and I was kind of hoping there was some secret technique you had used when re-potting your Juniper. I've been having some trouble with one of my two year old junipers lately. Following a re-pot two weeks ago, the young one has lost all of the colour in its foliage which eventually turned a brownish white. I checked for spider mite but no, nothing.

I thought that the growing medium was wrong but it is the exact same mix I have been using for all of my junipers but only this one has given me grief. Peat moss, river sand and tiny river stones and they only get watered once per week - thorough soaking. Foliage is misted once every second day.

I've taken to removing all of the discoloured foliage yesterday and placed the tree back in the shade and am keeping tabs on it for any signs of further change. A scratch test showed that the tree was still very much alive.

The roots were also kept moist during the re-potting and no major root pruning was done. Since junipers don't like that much fertiliser, I also used very little.

Maybe just give it time and see what happens?


Cut down on the watering, and keep the humidity high if you can. I used to keep my juniper sitting over a water dish or a fountain, or near grass to help keep the foliage from drying out. Where I live, people recommend lots of fertilizer for juniper, but they use mostly organic fertilizer. Everyone seems to recommend different things, so go with your gut.

Luckily it is always humid here. Will definitely start watering less. Thanks for the advice.

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