July: Evergreen Tree Adjustment [Bonsai]steemCreated with Sketch.

in #bonsai5 years ago


Time to share more bonsai trees from my collection.

Here is another coniferous tree. It's an arborvitae, which is closely related to Cedar/Thuja.

Since I recently did some work on this tree, I can show you the results of the minor changes.

It's the end of July and very hot. The yellow tips on this tree are still forming out into new buds which will become needles this year, and branches in future years. Any changes I make to the shape of this tree will impact the growth angle of these newest buds and needles. They always grow upwards to find the sun. Older needles will also flex towards the light.


From a top view, you can see the young branches tend to lay flat together. My aim was to use the wires already on the tree to open this tree up a little bit wider, and angle the needles into more outward directions instead of mostly upward.


Now it looks entirely different from the top. New branch shapes are now exposed to the sight of the viewer. Needles and bark will receive far more sunlight now.


One of the main differences to the style of the tree is the top branch. It has been angled back. Since it's already very thick at the top, I've bent it back to offer the thinner branch in the center of the tree a chance to become the new leader. Having this become the new top of the tree will greatly improve the taper of the trunk, with a thick base and a narrower crown.


Before and After


The smooth red bark on this tree makes a beautiful contrast to the emerald green needles. These needles almost never dull in color year round.

This tree is very easy to grow in my climate, and it's easy to train as a bonsai.

Photos in this post are all #originalworks by @creativetruth, unless stated otherwise.

Find me on discord and chat with other tree growers, bonsai enthusiasts, and gardeners. We have quite a few accredited experts filling out our ranks, and a helpful Spanish-speaking community.


No memberships. Love trees. Make friends. Grow together.

#creatives #artzone #cedar #thuja #green #emerald-green #bark #red-bark #bonsai-wiring #tree #bonsai-tree #hobby


Saludos @creativetruth eso es una ventaja que sea un árbol fácil de convertir en bonsái, aun así tu dedicación es lo que lo hará ser un bonsái…

Greetings @creativetruth that is an advantage that is an easy tree to turn into bonsai, even so your dedication is what will make it a bonsai...

I see what you mean by the color. That is quite amazing to look at.

I hope summer weather despite the heat has been treating you and everything well. Have a great week rest of the week.

Hello @creativetruth is very beautiful your Bonsai is noticeable that you have done an excellent job, thank you for sharing it...

Hola @creativetruth cada día aprendo más y me a gustado mucho esto de los bonsái, lo que explicas me parece increíble como una persona puede modificar la naturaleza de un árbol a su antojo y darle hasta forma….

Hello @creativetruth every day I learn more and I really liked this bonsai thing, what you explain I find incredible how a person can modify the nature of a tree at will and give it shape...

I imagine that when it is ready it will look artificial and of course the care that will have to give it will be less, good work friend @creativetruth...

Imagino que cuando esté listo parecerá artificial y por supuesto el cuidado que habrá que darle será menor, buen trabajo amigo @creativetruth

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