Burst of Colors [Bonsai]steemCreated with Sketch.

in #bonsai7 years ago

From my garden to yours. Here is my latest addition to the steemit content blockchain. Enjoy!


ID: 0019
Nickname: Jubilee
Type: ???
Age: 2 years
Grown: yamadori
Last repotting: last year?
Wired: never


November 7, 2017

First of all, I am not sure what this plant is exactly. I found it growing as a weed around the house, and it looked healthy, so I decided to give it a home in this pot. Based on the long flexible branches, I am certain it is some kind of decorative bush. Maybe an invasive Burning Bush. Let me know in the comments below if you have seen this kind of leaf and recognize the plant.

Most of the year this plant has had green leaves, but now it is really lighting up with a brilliant display of colors that puts most of my other bonsai trees to shame.


This plant is inspired by Marvel's X-Men character, Jubilee. She controls electricity, and can perform dazzling displays of energy bursts that look like fireworks. Often times she will touch electronic devices and her powers will cause them to malfunction and explode. What she thought of as a curse her whole life, she later learned could be honed into a talent used for helping to save the world.


Art by Jim Lee. Source

Growing up I always liked the X-Men because to me they represent outcasts in society who are able to find redemption through amazing stories. For some it comes easy, and for others it takes a lifetime of searching to find. Jubilee, like many of the X-Men, is one character I always identified with because she tried so hard to be accepted and to conform and it was never enough. No matter how talented, beautiful, or a smart she was, she could never succeed in a world that did not want her. It was out of pure luck that she was found and welcomed by the X-Men, and given a future where she could be accepted and make a positive impact.



Hang on. Now I'm going to relate on a deeper level.

Sometimes after many years of working a job I am good at, I feel I can never achieve any higher levels of success. It makes me feel I am being held down. The artist in me wonders when I'll have time to study my talents. When will my higher talents be needed for great things, and not momentarily appreciated for fluff entertainment? Makes me wonder what is potential? Undiscovered talent? Unused resource? Or limitless possibilities? Depends on how you look at it, and how much of a risk you want to take.



Despite my abilities and hard work, it was purely luck that I was able to get the jobs that I have had in life. Very few things of mine do people recognize as earned, even thought I have spent many years devoting my life to developing my specialized abilities. All of my lucky opportunities can be attributed to being in the right place at the right time, and knowing the right people, and being related to the right people. The last I am most ashamed of, but my circumstances sustain me, and so I am fortunate. Maybe a bit of extra fortune and luck is all I need to get to the next level in life. Level Up!



Thanks for sharing your time with me and viewing this post. I hope it brings you some extra luck and inspiration for the coming days.


September 23, 2017

Bonus Photo:


Looking over the fence at the majestic trees with pine-cones.

Trees like this are looked up to for good reason.


wow..... nice tree,i like it friend

Bonsai name?

Follow my past posts. I like to give them a nickname and talk about how each tree inspires thoughts, and I try to give some info about the tree species too, if I know.

the tree i like most

Just awesome!!

Hahaha invasive burning bush, lol.

Jubilee was always one of my most favorite of the X-Men as well. And for a lot of the same reasons. X-Men has been my favorite comic book since I was really little and it hasn't changed. I find myself correcting people about the characters like they are real people until I realize People think that is weird, and at that moment my nerdy level spikes right in front of my eyes.

Beautiful little burning brush bonsai :)

Are sure that's what it is?

The tree/bush bonsai? No I thought you were making a bible reference due to the color and shape of it.

Just looked it up........ there is a burning brush plant. What do you know. Defiantly could be one, bible school training confused me for the hundredth time in this lifetime.....

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