Enigma@Home - Maintenance and maybe a GPU-Version

in #boinc7 years ago

Today at Enigma@Home the administrator TJM published the pausing of the work generator and the maintenance of the app and Server. For the original and more detailed news you can look here http://www.enigmaathome.net/forum_thread.php?id=835#4420.

Furthermore the user Alex VE3NEA published a new developed GPU application which maybe could be implemented during the maintenance. The original announcement you can find at http://www.enigmaathome.net/forum_thread.php?id=836#4424
If you would help to test the application you can download it from github https://github.com/VE3NEA/enigma-cuda.

I have already tried it and it seems to work. I contacted Alex afterwards and he told me that me that my Nvidia GTX Titan Black was 3 times slower than his GTX 1070, but much faster than the CPU Version.
The output of the application on my computer I like to publish here:

C:\Users*****\Downloads\enigma-cuda-master\enigma-cuda-master\enigma-cuda\bin\x64_Release>´╗┐@echo OFF Der Befehl "´╗┐@echo" ist entweder falsch geschrieben oder konnte nicht gefunden werden. C:\Users******\Downloads\enigma-cuda-master\enigma-cuda-master\enigma-cuda\bin\x64_Release>enigma-cuda.exe -M H -f B:524:AA:AAA -t B:524:ZZ:ZZZ -g 013 "......\data\Tri_1941_ln.txt" "......\data\Uni_1941_ln.txt" "......\data\PBNXA.txt" Found GPU 'GeForce GTX TITAN Black' with compute capability 3.5. Starting at 2017-04-20 20:47:57 Spent: 00:00:00 Pass: 1 Score: 26002 Words: -2764 Key: B:524:AA:NER Plugs: ADBQCEFZGTIJKRNSOW Text: ONE gecte TEIL fhjbvqenuzgtkzfwqjocll X moegijvnbebpozjlvjsly X qv X egirqtna MAI traqpber X zmdsapeiqpaf X pvnqu okrnocudqffthfupvmhkiens X ptjeirozssehz X rb EST nikinfunufldhteroenigk X VERS enazwb BEN ffh Spent: 00:00:00 Pass: 1 Score: 26484 Words: -2836 Key: B:524:AD:XEO Plugs: AUBEDQGILOMNSYWX Text: uesncyu DPA ceywzzebelqp X EIN ggdvvik X endpte X ernsfigeboltrhbjnneeunfv kdnneastezzijhdndgkltbet X en X st X wontsemz X ujrirbawrsofoekberkug X OST X igv X votp X yljgkofp FAN nmowrf heemzarokqcgltrilnnaftoa Spent: 00:00:00 Pass: 1 Score: 26757 Words: -2790 Key: B:524:AF:ZEF Plugs: ADBGCREUFYIVJPLNOWST Text: cjeszsva HOB mmqeyfsjzv X stglgmpsihdvnyw HERE iodwefkrvruahyuk X EIN nis X ECHO ds X ztrzngslevswae X ig X bajcyrriersfcqw X kagalgertnvkliqtv X fkru X stenluvohlenfs X aqs X freaeuusyjywmwin X kfjkfmarzermsnyo Spent: 00:00:00 Pass: 1 Score: 27005 Words: -2579 Key: B:524:AQ:SEW Plugs: BMCGDFEZIVJWKLQURX Text: invfnf X kolpo X iedpiierzhh X arsonfi SEI gyniqnsubzhke SAM lteiyd X duqlyrzns VIER wrdb X qquhnvntfnemunfavkyi BIG va X bjheentabel X arrifidmiz X SUN zt SAG b X drjpmuk X EINS he GENF bdsekwmg X lfugnvve GEN ubbkp X ph Spent: 00:00:01 Pass: 1 Score: 27115 Words: -2543 Key: B:524:AY:XEC Plugs: BSCIEXHWKYLOMUNTPV Text: pyoraybs TOPF fbeeehjroeilns X pfjehzqppangswkoyyeea WEN acw X i X ggvypntineorakriht X maenfnbtqge BIER nkosru EST abage HAHN bwyyorcwntereoiz X tyrlgcpzw X mvnn ABU bjenl ICH fjmeq X zcarz DIES ENDET skrfo QUE pr Spent: 00:00:01 Pass: 1 Score: 28275 Words: -2617 Key: B:524:BS:HEM Plugs: AECZFGHWIMJTKPOSRYUV Text: cthrzfnzv X beucutrekn LAG unujlenkesshbbpdgspnn X cqenzyc X mon WERT qekdofuedikurqvqulipd BOX pars ERST uinzhffzwa X prztwab X uowhznecfp X X ipzahtinalpzw VERS dqin X ku X gq BEN oayetereolptls INS lto X EIN ptr X Spent: 00:00:04 Pass: 1 Score: 28385 Words: -2671 Key: B:524:DZ:MEP Plugs: BOCRDTFUGYHPKVLZQXSW Text: buvrpsgqfyppeoknekddlpz X inoevka X efungnmukrarstzezsofar DEN eel INS t DER ddvawrtibua X flsselvqu X ariqmmg X zwn LANG rulu NEN nasboerirh X ikthreikwro X phndobpyei X zwm LEGE DER vebgbcekyvldvpwlblkty SET sa Spent: 00:00:09 Pass: 1 Score: 60917 Words: -1630 Key: B:524:JG:YEK Plugs: AECFGLHIKPMSNROUQYTW Text: iharofqs X AQT X VIER EINS X VIEL ufummsene X EINS NULL verwunti X rweyrn ZUGANG X VIER NEUN be SEE hpheuld LAZARETT EIN GESETZ owqhkdz X u TOR gosch X bhf X ut ORT X zafsoock X hock X SIEGFRIED susshqzjd X STANDARTENFUEHRER Spent: 00:00:10 Pass: 1 Score: 71149 Words: -1433 Key: B:524:KC:YEG Plugs: AECFGLHIKPMSNROUQYTW Text: EIN rofqs X AQT X VIER EINS X VIER gefmmsene X EINS NULL verwuntete X eyrn ZUGANG X VIER NEUN BESTAND heuld LAZARETT EINGESETZT in X kdz X u TOR gosch X bhf X u TOR goscfsoock X hock X SIEGFRIED SIEG fqzjd X STANDARTENFUEHRER Spent: 00:00:11 Pass: 1 Score: 73288 Words: -1522 Key: B:524:KW:YEA Plugs: AECFGLHIKPMSNROUQYTW Text: EINS sevub AQT X VIER EINS X VIER ge FALL oye X EINS NULL verwuntete X NEU zuk GANG X VIER NEUN BESTAND X ferzeaz ARE tt EINGESETZT in X bhfeguorgosch X bhf X u TOR gosch X hrwb X hock X SIEGFRIED SIEG friebn X t AND ARTEN FUEHRER Spent: 00:00:11 Pass: 1 Score: 75485 Words: -1352 Key: B:524:KX:YEB Plugs: AECFGLHIKPMSNROUQYTW Text: EINS sevu X AQT X VIER EINS X VIER ge FALL oye X EINS NULL verwuntete X NEU zuu GANG X VIER NEUN BESTAND X ferz LAZARETT EINGESETZT in X bhfeg TOR gosch X bhf X u TOR gosch X hrwk X hock X SIEGFRIED SIEG friebn STANDARTENFUEHRER Spent: 00:00:11 Pass: 1 Score: 77650 Words: -1260 Key: B:524:KY:YEC Plugs: AECFGLHIKPMSNROUQYTW Text: EINS sevs X AQT X VIER EINS X VIER ge FALL ONE X EINS NULL verwuntete X NEU z ZUGANG X VIER NEUN BESTAND X ferd LAZARETT EINGESETZT in X bhfeu TOR gosch X bhf X u TOR gosch X hrck X hock X SIEGFRIED SIEG frieb X STANDARTENFUEHRER Spent: 00:00:11 Pass: 1 Score: 83067 Words: -1008 Key: B:524:KZ:YED Plugs: AECFGLHIKPMSNROUQYTW Text: EINS SEQS X AQT X VIER EINS X VIER GEFALLEN e X EINS NULL verwuntete X NEUN ZUGANG X VIER NEUN BESTAND X FELD LAZARETT EINGESETZT in X bhf X u TOR gosch X bhf X u TOR gosch X hock X hock X SIEGFRIED SIEGFRIED X STANDARTENFUEHRER DONE: 1 passes in 00:00:27 C:\Users*****\Downloads\enigma-cuda-master\enigma-cuda-master\enigma-cuda\bin\x64_Release>pause Drücken Sie eine beliebige Taste . . .

Regarding error message at the begining caused by the command "echo OFF" Alex promised me that he would fix that.



Here's hoping that enigma@home becomes active again!

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