Body Confidence

in #body8 years ago

 I am a strong believer that all women are beautiful no matter their body types whether thin, thick, curvy, skinny, fit, or fat. I encourage women to embrace their bodies rather than feel insecure in their own skin. Bringing ourselves down and not recognizing the beauty each of us holds is one thing but when we as women are so quick to knock others down we discourage the beauty and individuality of other women. This judgment of others is what is wrong with our society today. As though our own insecurities are not enough when other people express those same feelings, adds to our insecurities.

 As an individual who has never been described as thin or skinny, I always took that as a negative aspect in my life. With time and maturity, I have learned to embrace my curves and my not so flat stomach. Many women are told that a six pack, big breasts, a firm butt, and toned legs and arms are sexy and that being overweight is unattractive. Those women who have stretch marks, muffin tops, donut bellies, thick thighs, lack of thigh gaps, or double chins are just as beautiful as those who are physically fit.

 Beauty may be measured by many based off of what people see on the outside, but the most important aspect comes from within. This may seem rather cliché but it is true. Regardless there is no definition of beauty that says people have to be thin, or have to have a large chest, or cannot have a large backside. Everyone has different opinions of what is beautiful to them but does that change one’s beauty? No. Each individual is beautiful in their own unique way.

 This in no way is me encouraging people to not care about their bodies. While your size does not measure how beautiful you are, working to stay fit and healthy is important. Eating healthy, exercising regularly, and resisting temptations of alcohol or drugs is essential to a long life. Body shaming is never acceptable but that does not discourage healthy living either.

 Before you go and judge others for their habits or their body types keep in mind that many individuals cannot control their images. There are people who struggle with obesity due to genetics, overeating, medications, physical inactivity, or certain diseases with side effects contributing to obesity. In addition, on the opposite spectrum there are people who struggle with eating disorders such as bulimia, anorexia nervosa, or binge eating that they cannot change.

 Rather than judging someone because of their sizes there are far more important aspects of their lives that make them beautiful. Take my advice and follow these steps:

  • Focus on the positive aspects of people and celebrate them.
  • Refrain from judging others, because who likes to hear the things people do not like about them? I know I certainly do not.
  • Love your own body and feel confident in it. You are beautiful.
  • The next time you feel like writing or saying something mean about someone, choose to say something you like about them instead.
  • Stop saying that zero ***** are given when people are body shaming you, rather learn to ignore them and be proud of your body.

 I understand it is not easy to feel 100% in your own skin all the time, but understanding that you are beautiful is important. The next time you look in the mirror rather than pointing out something you do not like, recognize something you do like. You are beautiful. Believe it.

Read my recent post on the same topic:

Why Are People Still Body Shamed?

Image credit: WatchFit


Thank you, @ashlyns, for speaking this encouragement to women. I have often been saddened to observe an excessive focus on outer beauty in the women I love. Beauty is primarily an inner quality.

The most beautiful women in my life are those who have treated me with gentle, loving kindness.

"Let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious." - I Peter 3:4

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