
Yeah, it was a good time. And I like the artwork. Just cartoonish enough to not scare the littles.

"Just cartoonish enough to not scare the littles"

Yeah my partner and I go to a board games night at our local game shop once a week and it's pretty much only adults that go there. We've had a couple of teens before but not frequently. However, I have played some of our games with my nephew before.
I did that the other day with him and we were playing Coup. He was pretty new to that game. I don't know if you know that one but it involves bluffing and pretending you have cards you might not have etc and my nephew asked me while playing "How do you lie?"
I think he probably knows how to do that.
He didn't like the idea of the game Kittens in a Blender though. I asked him why he didn't want to try it and he said "because kittens are cute". I can't argue with that.

I love Coup. My kids are 7 and 9, so I'm always on the lookout for games I can play with them. I don't think they're quite ready for Coup yet.

Yeah my nephew turns 9 this year and he managed to get the gist of Coup and do alright but I don't think his strategy was quite there all the time. He got a big trigger happy with accusing me of lying a bit too much at the start to where it lost him the game due to me not lying, but he started to realise just calling me out all the time wasn't the best strategy after a bit. He did reasonable enough that it would be worth trying again and he will work out the strategies more as he goes along.

It's the same when we hop on the computers and play Overwatch. He enjoys that a lot but he hasn't quite learned the whole working as a team bit yet and will be the one who runs off to kill that person way over there rather than focusing on the goal. I've tried to teach him about choosing characters to suit what other characters people are playing but he doesn't quite get the idea of team balancing and just plays whoever he thinks is cool. Not that he's alone in that. I've seen a lot of people choose the wrong characters when it is down to only them to choose and we need something different to what they ultimately choose. Towards the end of a game I was playing with my partner last night, the person playing the healer in our team randomly changed to a non-healer character right at the end when things were intense and we needed a healer, so people do dumb stuff like that sometimes. I had died around that time anyway so I changed when I was dead to a healer and came out instead, but I don't understand why that person randomly changed because that could have cost us the game if we just continually died at that point. So my nephew definitely isn't alone in not working around what other people are playing as. He loves playing it though and I figure eventually he'll realise these things.

The other day when we playing Coup we also played Bears vs Babies, Fluxx (Regular show Version) and Card Wars and he seemed to enjoy all of them. He loves Card Wars. If you don't know it, that's the game from Adventure Time ("Floop the pig"). He's good with math too so that probably is part of the reason he likes that game as well. He's played that one with me a bit so I've actually seen his strategies improve over time playing that one.

Thanks for the recommendations. I've stayed away from Card Wars because it seemed a bit expensive for what you get, and I didn't want to get sucked into buying multiple sets and booster packs. Maybe I'll have to give it a second look.

I want to play Fluxx, but don't really want to buy it because it's such a polarizing game. If I buy it and hate it I'll be <sad_face_emoji>.

I didn't realise Fluxx was so polarising. I don't think I've come across someone who outright doesn't like it. One of our friends wasn't a huge fan of bears vs babies though. Keep in mind Card Wars is only a two player game though so if the kids ever play without you or sometimes only one kid wants to play it with you it might be a good choice, but it won't work with three. Also (while I can't guarantee your kids won't pester you for them) you don't need to buy multiple sets and booster packs for Card Wars. One base game works fine. I'd just give it a look and see what you think. It isn't one of my absolute favourites by now (so there might be better options out there for you) but it is solid and it is fun to play with my nephew who quite enjoys it.

There's also junior versions of some of the games too. I haven't tried them out but if you like Carcassone or Catan but don't think your kids are up to the normal version yet, I know those have junior versions.

We actually have Carcassonne Jr, but they're starting to outgrow it a bit. It was good as an intro game, though.

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