BLOWING OFF SOME STEEM VI: See what happens when you want men to show their ‘feelings’? You end up with your private parts on Instagram!

in #blowingoffsomesteem7 years ago (edited)

Blabber mouth generation

I struggle to bite my tongue sometimes. I’m generally a 'live and let live kind of guy' however I do despair at the direction of future generations. Today I was flicking through the news feed on my phone and came across the following headline:

Rob Kardashian exposes Blac Chyna’s private parts in Instagram photo… during cheating rant


I’ll confess I didn’t know either of these Z-list celebrities before today. I figured the Rob guy was related to the Kardashian clan in some form. But what got me was the headline. So I delved a little deeper. More disconcerting to me than the cheating and the vagina Instagram pics, was that he thought that anyone actually gave a shit. I thought Instagram was about pictures. This guy wrote War and Peace on his page about the woes of his relationship.

And this is the problem with this blabbermouth generation.

No-one cares

I was once watching an MMA podcast and the host gave advice that men like Rob might find resourceful. If you are a guy, no-one cares about your troubles. No-one.

“What qualifies a man; suffering. You have one job as a man. Shoulder your burdens without complaint…. You know what your problems are, and no-one else cares.”



The school of thought goes something like this;

Your friends don’t care. There is a reason why Kendrick Lamar wrote “Bitch don’t kill my vibe.” Your friends don’t need you ruining a good night with some moaning shit.

Your significant other doesn’t care. She (or he) only cares to the degree that it will affect them. If they are the cause of your woes – well… then they really don’t give a shit.

Your mum…. Yes. She may care. Your mother is literally the only person that cares. And even then it’s probably out of habit. If she searched her soul it is probably screaming, "when is this child gonna grow a pair of balls, ‘be a man’ and stop coming to me expecting me to keep wiping the snot off his nose!!"

Not even your kids care. They simply want you to be a dad.

Little girl

Speaking of being a father, I read this Rob guy has a child by this Chyna chick. It blows my mind. How can a man be so deep in his little girl feeling, that he doesn’t think how posting a picture of her mother’s pussy on Instagram might affect his little girl when she grows up?


Sucker for love

There was a time when this would have been looked at as just another ‘john’ falling victim to a long con. The 'mark' would have kept that quiet, licked their wounds and maybe learned from their mistake. Not today. Today, it gets broadcast over the internet for social notoriety.


However Rob is not Kim or Khloe. He will not get men cueing around the block to be that shoulder to cry on. He will get more Chyna’s that realise he is STILL a sucker for love. He will get more men making a cuckold of him then trying to extort him for the privilege.

I'm not advocating men be Neanderthals. Show your compassion. Show your love. But leave them emotions for your own time of reflection inside. It’s a cold world outside.


I had a feeling you'd be writing about this! I think the best thing Rob could have done was write in a journal/diary and keep it under lock and key. I think more people in this day and age need to go back to doing that! Old skool rants!

Great post. It seems the new generation lacks a sense of morals and no respect for anyone or each other. Pretty sad. I agree with you. I never heard of the kardashians either and don't care to but its all over everywhere their private life is being blasted and shoved in peoples faces. I don't really worship or follow people with money. I like to associate myself with people that have morals and loyalty and some class. You got my vote and follow. You can follow me if you like @jenntheangel . I just posted my first travel blog.

Very funny but also accurate! You're so right! I'm a woman... no one cares about men complaining! We just thing they're being wimpy and NO woman wants a wimpy man. Just keep it in like men used to in the "good old times"

I don't even know how I landed here but I am glad I did. It is just crazy the lengths people go to for revenge. Imagine the kid growing up and seeing the mothers privates on Google. One can only imagine the kind of bullying the kid might face in future.

I could be "meta" here and say - if nobody cares, then why focus on this guy at all?

He owns his own decisions. And will live and die by them.

Everyone has personal agency. I'm just wondering what was it that got you so steamed that you had to post about it?

That people can act stupidly? Yeah, no kidding.

That a breakup can be messy and dramatic? Yeah, we got the memo on that one too.

I know your tags say "life" and "gossip", but honestly as an observer and someone who has nothing to do with this pile of crazy, I would've just left it lie where it is festering.

haha good point - well made!

Damn, you are right, the blabbermouth generation. I also think it's the selfish generation. Each generation seems to be a little more selfish and give a few fucks less than the previous one. Damn, I can't believe how big Rob has gotten. He looked so different back when I watched the first season of the Kardashians with the girl I was dating. We got married so I don't have to watch her shows anymore. lol. Living in the shadow of Bruce/Caitlen, Kim and gang, it is tough for him not to beg for attention. It is kind of sad. I bet the dude didn't even consider the daughter. Just the attention. This is sad and I am glad that people are waking up and falling out of love with celebrities. Thanks for posting this. Your humor adds a perfect touch as usual. I bet you are a cool ass dude to have a few drinks with. Hope you have a great day and as always, I deeply appreciate all the support on my posts!!! You really do make my day. Thank you.

What are little boys made of?
Snips and snails, And puppy-dogs' tails.
What are little girls made of?
Sugar and spice, And all things nice.

The sooner any man realizes how little anyone cares about his feelings, the sooner he can get busy finding true happiness.

People need to start developing their emotional intelligence these days... this stuff just confuses me why people act this way. Smh smh

If you are a guy, no-one cares about your troubles. No-one

I have to admit I was shocked at how far both went and then Instagram disabling Rob's account... I just feel sad for the children both King and Dream. The fact that this drama is so public and those images can never be erased

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