how to you make dream come true = 你如何使梦想成真

in #blogs7 years ago


dear steemit friends : this is my new story with a new energy level and " how to you make dream come true "

In a city, a young boy used to live with his father and his father who used to work in the stables of an older man and he saw how Her father lives with horses all day and works so hard, yet she never gets the honor that is the owner of the horse with a good horse and also with great respect and honor in society. Also finds. The childhood is the age of dreaming and the young man has to make him come true and that same boy also started seeing the dream that he would have a similar wealth in one day and he would also have a big horse on the horse A lot of horses will be trained and they will also be their boss.

在一个城市,一个年轻的男孩曾经和他父亲和父亲一起住在一个老人的马厩里,他一整天都看见了父亲和他的父母,很难与他合作,但他从未得到荣誉 马的拥有者有一匹好马,还有 还发现 童年就是梦想的年龄,年轻人让他成真,同一个男孩也开始梦想,有一天他有相似的财富,他会在马上有一匹大马很多 马将被训练,他们将成为他们的老板


One day all the children were asked to go to school and they would go home and write an article the next morning, which would be what they want to do after growing up and what they want to do, then the boy wakes up a great article overnight. Writing, as well as explaining his dream, he also created a 200-acre of his dream ranch, and the boy wrote the essay with a full heart and gave it to the teacher the next day.

有一天,所有的孩子都被要求上学,第二天早上他们会回家写一篇文章,这是他们想要做的事情,他们想要做什么,他们想做什么,然后男孩醒来一篇伟大的文章过夜。 写作以及解释他的梦想,他还创造了一个200英亩的梦想牧场,男孩用完整的心写了这篇文章,第二天给了他老师。

The teacher told the result after examining all the Kapas and the boy felt weird because he did not give any marks for the article written by the boy, and wrote a letter written on it with letters, but the boy asked the teacher for the reason. The teacher said it would be better if he writes a small thick article because what you wrote is completely impossible. You do not have anything with the people, so this is not possible, but still I wish you could give you another chance. You can rewrite this essay and make a real goal. I can think again about giving a number again.

老师告诉结果,检查了所有的卡帕斯和男孩感到奇怪,因为他没有给男孩写的文章的任何痕迹,并用信件写了一封信,但男孩要求老师问。 老师说如果他写了一篇厚厚的文章会更好。 你与人没有任何东西,所以这是不可能的 你可以重写这篇文章,做一个真正的目标。 我可以想想


The boy went home with that copy and thought a lot about it but he did not sleep the whole night. The next day he went to the teacher and talked about what you have to do because my article is the same. I do not want to change it and if you fail me If you want to do so keep your failures and I keep my dream alive.

那个男孩回到家里,一整夜都没睡觉。 第二天,他去了老师,谈到你要做什么。 我不想改变它,如果你想要这样做,你失败了我


Twenty years later, the same teacher was watching an international horse race, after the race was completed, a man came to him and with great affection he introduced himself because he had become a very big name in his world and it was a very small boy Which had seen this dream years ago.

二十年后,同一位老师正在观看国际赛马,比赛结束后,一个男人来到他身边,他亲切的介绍自己,因为他在世界上有一个非常大的名字,而且是一个非常年轻的男孩 几年前谁曾见过这个梦想。

So in the same way, we have to change a lot about our life. We have decided to set a goal and nothing happens to disturb people say a lot to you about this but you have to dream ) And to move forward with complete energy, that will take you to dream come true.

所以以同样的方式,我们必须改变我们的生活。 我们决定设定一个目标,没有什么可以打扰人们。

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