Where and how do i write ?

in #blogging8 years ago (edited)

  So I was asked the question where and how do I like to write? I like to write when I travel or travel to write. I visit lots of places when I can to do nothing but write. If Atalanta was a writer she would have lots of stories to tell. I usually write with my hands holding a blue or black felt tipped pen. I haven’t mastered writing with my feet yet. I’m not sure whether I should take up the challenge or not. I don’t know why but sometimes I’m in the mood for a blue pen ….sometimes I’m in the mood for black but on average it is black. You may know I have a bit of a fetish for stationary but I have observed a lot of other writers do too. My favourite stationary is books. Big fat journals, normally in a leather look cover (Proper leather would be showing off…………and I can’t afford to show off- damn it) I have two books on the go at the moment and I have split my books into sections of 5 so I can work on 50,000 words. I work at around 7,500 in each section so I have room to manuver when typing up. Probably easier ways but I like writing this way.
Now where do I like to write. The simple answer is anywhere. I don’t need wifi for my writing because my ideas are already in my head………wifi helps with the accuracy on information and the spelling, which i input when editing. Sometimes I’m a bit rubbish with spelling and grammar, but spell checker is a god send. Thank you to the genius that invented it. Once I’m in the zone nothing stops me, apart from the cat who head butts me repeatedly when I am on the lap top as he likes to sit on the warm pad. I still haven’t found a creative way to write whilst he is on my lap and the dog is laid across my feet. It still doesn’t stop me although I am developing carpel tunnel as a result of their actions. I already got golfers elbow, which amuses my husband as i am rubbish at it.  I took my black book on holiday with a group of friends and one of them threatened to throw it out the aeroplane window as it had to be smuggled in his bag as it weighed half a kilo and it took him over his 10k allowance. I wrote in my black book on the plane, on the beach, in café’s, the airport, the hotel, the list goes on. I would have written in it in the pool but was scared it would get wet. I wonder if there is a market for waterproof writing books? That book went everywhere with me. It didn’t go out the window purely for the fact that it was that stuck to me. I would have taken more than 5 people to part me with it.
It doesn’t matter what the scenery is like as to where I am to be quite honest as long as I am left alone (animals not included in that statement as they are bullies) and allowed to be creative. I guess my favourite place is at home where all my stuff is and my animals.


I know the feeling of having cats always wanting attention! Mine don't get on the laptop yet, but everywhere else!

Haha yes....mine has been known to sit on my head at times. Strange behaviour!

We love them, though, don't we? They make great companions.

Yeah, if i had money for a large bit of land i'd build a big house on it and have cats, dogs, chickens, goats.....the lot lol. That's my dream!

That sounds like a good dream! I hope you achieve it! Maybe Steemit can help you get there.

Ahhhh...... i'm doing the visioning haha!!

I like peaceful atmosphere for writing.

Absolutely. I don't even like music on .

Always fun to look into the mind of another writer and her process. My process is so unrefined it can't even be called a process. :) Upvoted and followed!

Thank you my dear! :-)

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