2 F Words that Help You Find Unlimited Blogging Energy

in #blogging7 years ago (edited)

2 F Words that Help You Find Unlimited Blogging Energy (1).jpg

Are you beyond disgusted with your blogging efforts?

You may have an energy problem.

You complain that you don’t have the energy, or the time, or the (insert excuse here) whatever to get the blogging job done.

Like the wind has left your sails and you are stuck in the blogging doldrums.

I want you to say and use 2 ”F” words to find unlimited blogging energy so you can:

Increase your blogging profits
Network like a raving, rabid, Energizer Bunny type machine
Become mind-numbingly prolific
Boost your traffic

OK. Time for an example of an energetic guy.

Example Of These "F" Words GIving You Boundless Blogging Energy


Little old me.

I write 2 to 5 guest posts daily.

I promote most if not all of my 126 eBooks.

I comment on a high number of top blogs daily.

I am active on social media, engaging frequently, with over 50,000 Twitter followers.

How do I find that extra blogging gear? That unlimited blogging energy?

It ain’t coffee, I promise you. It ain’t exercise alone, though that certainly doesn’t hurt.

I use these 2 “F” words. I live by these 2 “F” words.

No worries; no potty-mouthing in this post.

The 2 “F” words are:



I blog mainly for fun. Meaning I blog mostly for the fun of talking about blogging and traveling.

Sure I like to make money through my blog. I dig earning income through my eBooks, audio books, courses and consulting services. But I devote like 90% of my energies to having fun with blogging. I love blogging. I love traveling. I love helping people with their blogs.

The work is fun, so the work is the reward, so I rarely run out of energy when I am just having fun, and rarely get burned out as I am following my passion.

If your energy feels sapped, you moved away from your passion, to blogging mainly for profits. From fun to finances.

This fun-driver, fueled by my passion, energizes me like a car sucks up gasoline or like I feast on crappy-looking but oh so tasty Thai sweet snacks.

If you are having fun with your blog you will generate unlimited energy. Folks will think you’re an automaton, wondering how you blog until 2 AM. Or you waking up at 5 AM to blog.

Writing multiple guest posts daily. Posting in-depth, 3-5 paragraph comments on 5-10 top niche blogs daily.

Folks who chase profits, traffic numbers or other vanity stats will wonder how you do it. Truth is, the stats they chase hold them down like an anchor.

Nothing anchors you down. No heavy attachment to outcomes holds you back.

You got the first “F” word down cold. You blog mainly because you are just having fun, with your blog, with your monetizing channels, with all you do online.

But sometimes you need to dive into the other “F” word: Fear.

I generate more energy by diving into and conquering my biggest blogging fears than I do following my passion. Here’s why: after crushing some deep fear I feel invincible. Like I’m on top of the world.

Like standing on the tippy top of Mount Everest, on my tippy toes, balancing on a step ladder, I feel like I’m infused with pure positive emotion, limitless energy and the general feeling of drinking 46 Red Bulls infused with espresso in a 5 minute stretch.

THIS is how you really find that extra blogging gear. The gear that has most bloggers wondering if you sleep or when you sleep.

Dive headfirst into your blogging fears. Everyday. Follow your fun but also, write and submit your first guest post to a world famous blog. Dive into the fear of failure and the fear of criticism.

Write your first eBook. Open your first income stream. Learn how to build a blog consulting business.

This practice feels terribly uncomfortable at first but you get used to it after a while.

Within the past month my guest posts were published on Positively Positive and Lifehack. I was formerly scared to write and pitch editors from both blogs. But I dove into this deep fear, felt it, embraced it, and did it anyway.

When my guest posts for accepted for these combined 3.5 million member communities I felt a surge of adrenaline which is still carrying me today.

Follow your fun.

Dive into your deepest fears.

Tap into unlimited blogging energy to shine like a lighthouse in your blogging niche.

Your Turn

How are you tapping into crazy positive blogging energy?

Are you blogging mainly for fun?

Are you diving into your blogging fears?


Great encouragement here as you get a LOT done. Up voted.

Thanks a bunch for reading and voting :)

You're right there, it is about tapping into your joy while blasting through fears. I am definitely getting enormous satisfaction through the Steemit community, lots to be thankful for. Thanks for sharing @ryanbiddulph.

Ditto on both counts buddy. Feeling your passion and expressing it does worlds with our blogging campaigns. Thanks much!

I started blogging for fun but I've changed my goal to blog for FREEDOM.

Did you promote a lot even when you first started? Or did you focus on your writing first?

Resteemed and upvoted :)

Freedom! That's the big winning factor there. I focused on writing first then promoting. Thanks much :)

Hi Ryan.

You truly do work from a place of fun and passion. I see it in your posts and your videos. Everyone does. That's why you have as many followers as you do. You back up what you write and talk about by taking action every day.

You face fear head on and it's helped you, obviously. The first thing we need to do it figure what our fear is and then kick its ass.

I know I will not be the next Ryan Biddulph, world travel. But, I will be Chris DeeWaard, pro blogger who helps new bloggers and bloggers-to-be to be successful. I just have to do it and the only one who has stopped me up to this point is me. The same person who will get it done.

Thanks for sharing this with everyone.

Have a good one...........Chris

That's the blessing Chris; you shine brightest by being you. Thanks much :)

I haven't focused much on the wrong F word (finance) but the right F words have been missing too mostly. Having fun is what I learned from you. It works like crazy.

Here on Steemit, I stretch my limits at times and I go heavy on involvement and dreaming big. It works and I've seen it working and benefitting me.

Thank you for writing this. I hope people on Steemit learn how to blog from you so that they can become better at it.

Your energy and passion for this network was the sole thing that drew me in. Sure it's nice to get paid for blogging but your commitment to creating and connecting here was the difference maker for me. Thank you Ilyas :)

Buddy! You're the funny and fearless guy!

Keep going' with that forever, buddy! :)

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