Restructuring my Blog to Only Focus on Science, Technology and Humor

in #blogging8 years ago

Freedom of Speech is GREAT! But not everyone shares your mindset...

Jack of All Trades image from LifeHacker

My interests range from science to pseudo-sciene, from metal to opera, from the sane to the demented and from specifics to the eclectic. I am like a wandering child in the candy store of life, interested in all the random offerings with not nearly enough time to pursue them all.

This presents a predicament when posting online. By sharing all of the randomness that floats around in my head, I might be offering readers who came for a "vanilla" post a "grass" flavored post instead. Or even worse, what if it ended up being the dreaded "vomit" flavor like in Harry Potter with Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Bean?

What to do? I want to share my thoughts on EVERYTHING though!

Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Jelly Beans

My excitement to share whatever is on my mind can lead to some vary random posts, or posts that turn some readers off. By posting wildcard topics, readers don't know what to expect and might lose interest in my posts. So I am going to filter out a lot of what I want to post, into a more concise focus on only certain topics.

For all of the other silly, crazy or off-beat posts... I will save them for my IRL friends =P

Future Posts

So from here on out, the @discombobulated blog will focus on the following themes and will try not to deviate from them.

Science, Tech and Futurism
This will include projects that I am working on, interesting news articles and developments of certain technologies and breakthroughs. I will try to focus on the facts and leave my own bias out of it (as much as I can).

No more opinionated or aggressive tones in posts / comments. This is not Reddit and by god we should work to keep it that way. In the pseudo-anonymity online, it is easy to get caught up in emotional trolly "flame" posts... Enough already! I'm going to stick to humor and fun!

Personal Life Stories
I've shared a few life stories that I thought were pretty cool or funny, but received modest attention. I still enjoy talking about them though, so occasionally I will post more with an emphasis on being light-hearted =)


Original image source unknown

As many bloggers have said, it is important to find your niche and see where it takes you. I have explored a wide variety of topics and persona's, but I now think I know the "brand" that will keep me entertained and hopefully you the readers as well. Above all else though, I think the most important aspect is to maintain a kind tone to help inspire and brighten people's day. The internet for years has had a nasty, mean reputation (aka Twitter, Reddit, 4Chan etc). Potentially Steemit could be a remedy to this as people are showing that kindness is not only promoted but rewarded as well!


Hey @discombobulated

Freedom of speech is exactly what your saying. your free to write what you like!

The part that makes it funny, is that we are writing for upvotes. So I guess up to a certain point people need to please a crowd. Like a DJ!

Every once and while the DJ plays his favorite tracks but mostly he plays what people want! except underground djs!

Cheers and just keep writing!


Exactly, but I think of our blogs like discographies. If you get a fan-base that loves heavy metal, and then release a new album that is primarily country or rap, you are probably going to lose a decent chunk of your audience =P


👍nice post

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