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RE: Weapons of Mass Destruction & Control - #1 Feminism

in #blog6 years ago

In all things, balance is required.

Whenever things get really unbalanced there will be an equal catastrophic event that will righten that balance.

Feminism plus many of the belligerent Left extreme movements are as bad to the society as the brainwashing Right.

Both can actually be said to come from the same bolt of cloth: Any movement that places more importance on the belonging within a group than the rights and thoughts of individuals will devolve into a corrupt society.

Women who became oppressed started this feminism thing a very long time ago. Things started to change and the women who wanted it got what they wanted. The job. The career. The lifestyle.

But once they had momentum the movement and not the people surged forward. The idea of belonging to this movement surpassed the wants and opinions of individuals in this group.

Families need men and women. Husbands and wives. In an ideal situation, the balance is needed. It goes beyond this, but by this I mean it becomes more personal and not more generalized.

Instead, people are playing into the hands of the higher elite by being distracted by belonging to groups that do nothing but shout and bring chaos. This hides the true motives and moves of those right at the top.


Yes, that is what joining a group will do, you will represent something which you might sooner or later not agree with anymore.

That's why I like the comment you made above writing that an individual opinion is worth more than the opinion of a group, like that evolution can happen, if everyone has the same opinion it will turn into a delusion.

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