Why people believe the Earth is round?

in #blog6 years ago

My peer wrote me today that they won't be interacting with me again, as I believe the Earth is flat.

I thought it was obvious. The Earth has been observed to be flat. I wouldn't be even mentioning it, but the colleague brought up science, so I just listed it as an example of scientists being obviously wrong despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Steemit vs YouTube

I wanted to embed here a slightly more complex video, but I won't due to a Steemit bug I won't. I would have to scroll the video to a particular position to explain my point, but embedding a video starting at a particular position is disabled.

Instead I will just post a link to (as opposed to embed) a more generic video in which a man proves they do not know what they are talking about.

At one point in the video the speaker brings up a TV experiment involving a laser, a telescope and a helicopter.

They do not explain what the experiment was supposed to prove, and why it hasn't been reproduced.

I wrote them:

Flat Earthers exist because Earth exist. People examine the Earth and know it is flat. Why do you assume a helicopter is needed to measure the shape of the Earth? Just a laser beam, not even a telescope. First shine a laser beam into the sky. Then slowly lower it and see whether it eventually hits the water or the opposite shore. Anyhow, personal drones are not very expensive. If this experiment conclusively proved the Earth is round, why hasn't it been reproduced? You have failed to explain how the experiment was conducted and why, if at all, it would fail if somebody would just use a big laser, a drone and an amateur telescope.

Why won't I write a better article

I have been testing Steemit for about a week.

The YouTube bug may be a show stopper. When I do paste a video, I want to be able to review it, and scroll it for my readers, to the very second.

I've been trying several tricks, including manually typing in minutes and seconds in the video address, the way I learned on WordPress, but Steemit won't have it.

The bug description on GitHub was updated but a few hours ago, with a demonstration of a working code fixing the issue, so I believe somebody is working on it.

Anyway, I may leave Steemit if I discover that the bug won't be fixed, so I won't be able to paste videos starting at a chosen time.

I am wondering, though, why in the Steemit tutorials I found online this issue is not even mention.

Still, I put some STEEM power in my wallet today, so if I am upvoting your publications for the next couple of days, you will be receiving 2 cents per vote.


The earth isn't flat. If you fail to even grasp that simple concept, the size of your intellect astounds me.

It's not a reason, anyway, to downvote my article. You have done nothing to disprove it. (Still, your criticism is welcome in comments, constructive or otherwise).

The burden of evidence lies with you. Not with established fact. There is absolutely zero evidence for a flat earth. ZERO!

And why is it that the burden of proof lies with me? You claim that the Earth is round. All that you can do is throw insults at me and downvote my articles. This does not count as an evidence. Neither does calling something a fact. You religiously cling to the idea that the Earth has some invisible curvature that is impossible to detect with modern lasers, or with another reproducible experiment, yet you claim that you are against religion. You are a religious fanatic who substitutes insults and downvotes for facts and discussion. You pick on Christianity, which is really a ridiculous religion that is easy to disprove. You quote comedians that only know one or two religions, instead of serious researchers.

You are still welcome, though, to criticize my articles, however insulting or ridiculous your claims may be.

As I said, the burden of proof lies with you because it is you who has extraordinary claims but cannot present the evidence for them. The laser story you proclaim is evidence is evidence you haven't done any research on the subject whats over. I'll show you a real experiment in a format you are able to consume, video:

For more please check:

If you are still saying the earth is flat, you are lying or willfully ignorant. Either way you are, saying the earth is flat is untruthful and deserving of a flag by my standards.

Your standards do not matter. I am aware of the Discovery channel experiment. There are equivalent experiments proving that the Earth is actually flat, so this is at least inconclusive. Still, I asked you for reproducible evidence, not for circumstantial evidence. I will watch the second video later and maybe get back to you. Read the Steemit FAQ or the pop up that actually appears when you downvote an article. If you do not have a legitimate claim against me, fuck off. Read what you just said. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proofs. I don't know what 'extraordinary' means for you, but apparently just one time experiment is enough to convince you; you disregard the science you are meant to promote.

I've watched parts of the cartoon before posting this reply. It proves that you understand basic concepts, but it doesn't refer to the laser experiment. Show me the same experiment reproduced two or three times, and I will accept it. (Of course it can be still debunked later when data arrives, for instance if this experiment was conducted incorrectly). Look up what scientific method is. Only experiments that have been reproduced matter.

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