  1. Nope - too big, too fast and too hairy.
  2. Hahaha! So bad it's good.
  3. Show off!

It actually flew into the kid's room and we've managed to solve the bat issue by opening the window and closing the door. It seems to have gone. @fulcanelli made sure of it by playing the saxophone very loudly in the room. Surely their super-sonic hearing wouldn't stand for that?

Or.... it's going to start flying around the room now that my kids are tucked up in bed and scare the bejeesus out of them. :)

Now I'm just tackling an angry wasp that is stuck in the butter dish...

Seems to be a crazy animal day.

The wasp would be scarier to me than the bat.

Can @fulcanelli play Baker Street? Apparently every saxophonist gets asked that question all the time.

Yeah it was seriously pissed off. But you know, it was covered in I mean, how scary can anything be when it's covered in butter, right?

You know, I don't know if he can play that. Will have to ask him haha!

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