Having energy is the most important thing in life. I wasted it all during the last week and couldn't even think about writing.

in #blog7 years ago

So, I haven't forgotten Steemit at all - it was just that I had no energy to write a single sentence for the last couple of days. I don't know why, but mostly because of trading crypto I guess... That business is freaking exhausting and way too addictive.

Anyway, I realized how important it is to have your energy allocated to certain things and how hard it is to follow your schedule. At some point, I just sat by my computer with an open window, trying to think of something clever to write and just spaced out... That sucks, believe me! To be honest, even now the words are not flowing into my mind like they usually do. I have to force each and every sentence out of me. Why? Well, because I lost all my energy.

We must learn how to control our energy to be able to trust and rely on ourselves.

I say that I left most of my time trading those freaking shitcoins on Bittrex, which is nothing wrong until it becomes wrong. I mean, I am now spending way too much time watching those charts and it is addictive. Even worse, after a couple of hours, I get tired to do anything else and just stare at a blank space. (of course, I am exaggerating the situation).

And why the f do I do this to myself? I still don't know. I just get more hectic, angry, and unstable every day, not to mention, being unable to write, which is so important to me both for self-realization and money. Funny what we do to ourselves, isn't it? What is even funnier, it only takes a few coins for me to unstabilize myself and lose the control. Am I greedy? Aren't we all?

Never lose your head over any freaking thing. Keep calm and know your plan.

I don't know what I want to say by writing this little article, but I guess I wanted to let you know that I am not dead yet. It is time for me to regroup and start paying more attention to the most important things again, and writing, including here on Steemit, is definitely top on the list!


Welcome back :)
I've heard similar sentiments from a lot of people these past few days. I checked out yesterday too. Threw my schedule out the window and spent the better part of the day in the park reading The Sword of Truth series.

I think there's something going around with the energies around us..upcoming eclipse perhaps? And I think its just us reclaiming our natural cycle away from the imposed 9-5 drone.

And of course the craziness happening in the crypocurrency world is making a few head spins as well!

Wonderful post @writingamigo ...Keep it up... Blessings

I used to do this a lot -- waste my time and energy on stupid things and then don't leave myself enough for the things I really want to do. But I'm getting better at managing my time and prioritising the things I want to accomplish. Also, I'm a big believer in giving myself time to do nothing and recharge. It's so important -- and something we're taught to feel guilty about, but shouldn't.

Good to see you are catching up already..

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