Solutions for snails and cats in your vegetable garden

in #blog5 years ago

Hi all,

Sunday, what a lovely sunny sunday! We had a cold week last week but now after the Saints of ice have all had their birthday through the middle of May, we have warmth!!!!
A few weeks ago I had gathered all the stray strawberry plants that had sprouted here and there from lingering seeds of last years strawberry plants and was glad to see I was able to fill four trays with them.
They have started blooming and even little green strawberries have started forming already!


Time to take them off the ground because last year I hardly had any since the snails ate most of them. Sometimes if I was lucky I'd get one a snail had taken a bite out of and left me some.

After some thinking I decided to hang them at a sunny spot off the wall of a small metal shed at the back of my veg garden so as not to drill holes in the wooden chalet I live in.


Now if I wanted, I could hang a curtain from a string made out of a net to protect the berries from birds I suppose...
I hope that won't be necessary. I don't mind sharing a little, but I want a good portion for myself this year.


To protect my vegetable garden against cats I have put blocks of leftover wood from a furniture factory in the empty spaces, and in the patches where I've already planted some things I have stuck a bamboo tapas pick with the name of the vegetable I have planted on it, and around I have carefully stuck some wooden scewers, points upwards. The string that divides the vegetable garden into little squares also helps. There's no where a spot to sit and pooh comfortably for cats now. And It works! (I've also used this method last year.)


I hope this was helpful to you in some way.
How is your vegetable garden doing?
I'd love to hear about it in the comments.

love Clara @wombloom


I am happy to write for :



ahaaaa, you did it! such a good genius idea to hang them up.. happy to see the food garden still going! <3

Good huh. ;-)

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