Nursery, School, Army, War... Don't be a pawn.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

Do you remember the simply straight forward black and white world school presented us with when we were children and deluded enough to believe them? A world in which the good people were the police, the army, the teachers and the government and the bad people were the criminals and terrorists that the good people protected us from. Obviously to anybody that has a pair of eyes and even just a tiny amount of want for knowledge of the truth that world quickly falls apart. We begin to live in a world in which the "good people" are the bad people and the "bad people" are the victims. I'm not saying members of ISIS are good people or the victims but it is a fact that thousands of civilians including women and children die in these wars. Is the death of innocent women and children a price that is worth paying for a war against an organization that have been empowered by the west?

Do good people EVER kill women and children? I don't believe they do or at least they don't without a huge sense of guilt later. These "good people" are brainwashed in to thinking that killing innocent people to protect the USA and UK from bad people is perfectly acceptable. Well it isn't and is it really protecting the people of the USA and UK? Since these conflicts begun and particularly over the last three or four years the people in the UK are much more likely to suffer from terror attacks committed by "Islamists."

There is a reason that soldiers are paraded around schools and presented as heroes to children nationwide and that reason is; one day these may be needed to fight a war for the political establishment the brainwashing has to start young. By presenting soldiers as heroes and allowing kids to join the army before they are even old enough to play Call of Duty or watch Nightmare on Elm Street the establishment know that they have their soldiers.. Their soldiers are your children and your children will be used to kill other peoples children.

My advice for any teenagers thinking about joining the war on terror against ISIS is simply, DON'T DO IT! The government don't fight for us so don't fight for them.


Exactly what I mean when I mention self-responsibility. Muse have got it right too, dedicating an entire album to 'drones'. Have a look at it! Beautifully symbolised on their cover, too -> the political leader controlling the commander controlling the pawns.

nice post


Wew military.
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Government are biggest terrorist organizations in the world. 99% of all violent killings and oppressions where made in the name of government. Oxymoron is to say that biggest terrorist organizations are leading war on terror.

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