Eyes and their insane curiosities. (PART 01)

in #blog5 years ago (edited)

Vision Eye Institute

This is one more of the series that I'm starting here and I can tell you that after reading all 30 of these curiosities about the eyes... I really did not know practically anything about them!

Getting more knowledge never hurts... So, a total of six posts (with 05 curiosities each) will be published throughout my posts throughout this week with the goal of making all of us know a little better our windows of the soul. :)

#01. If anyone asked you what the human corneas have to do with the sharks' corneas... What would you say? Well, they are so similar that the organs of these animals have already been used in the replacement of human eyes.

#02. Only humans and dogs are known beings when it comes to looking for visual evidence in the eyes of another individual. However, dogs only do this to humans and not to their "relatives."

#03. Without the ability to distinguish colors in their births... All babies are born colorblind. If many parents knew this, they would be free of certain "paranoias" related to the subject.

#04. When you look at someone who loves (or feels some physical attraction), your pupils dilate and can even increase by an astonishing mark of 45%!

#05. You can even try (although this is something extremely not recommended) ... But you will never sneeze with your eyes open. Reason? It is simply impossible!

Interesting, right? I hope you enjoy it, because coming soon has a little bit more! ;)

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