Photography 101: "Forever is Real!!! ❤"

in #blog7 years ago


Forever is Real❤

Hi! Everyone 😀 Do you believe in forever ??? Me, Yes ! 😄 We all are should believe in it. Why ? cause there are our parents as a living legacy of that mantra. That no matter what happen they can do it together.

These are my parents 😀 they are together for almost 28 years and still counting. I've asked my mom what is their secret for their relationship and she said trust and understanding.

Trust your partner in every way that he/she is doing. Don't put any malicious thinking in his act or what we called in filipino "Tamang Hinala". Let him/her feel indepent the way he/she is and your just there supporting each other.

I was actually listening to her and being mesmirize of her words that full of sincerity. She is actually smiling while telling the story. I feel of pure love 😀

Understanding is one of the most important recipe for a relationship. Even though that you have misunderstanding make sure that the end of the day you will understand one's views. 😀 Listening to one views will also help that their reason are being heard.

I am such a big fan of them. Proving that there are forever. 😀 Not physically but by love. 😀 We tend to defined forever as a means of time. But we forgot that forever is not based how far did you go but it is love. Love that will last forever till that last breathe tick you will stay remain in that love that you've build up together.

So to all of your parents 😀 They are a living legacy of forever 😄 kuddos to them 😄



Kudos to your parents!

Same to your parents :)

Aweee so much love. 😍😍😍

yeah :) thank you

Welcome 😀😀

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