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RE: Telling the Truth

in #blog5 years ago

You said "So, if you're looking inward, you're going to see the good and the evil both, and now you've got to decide what to do with that?"

This is a tao te ching verse addressing that. Basically we accept acknowledge both the good and the bad. Basically realizing we all have a little rascal. If we do not, self righteousness occurs and with it a lack of compassion.

My original statement is somewhat a generalization of buddhism using internal methods of exploring ones self and also the nature of experience. Meditations could tie into that as well as contemplations.


Thanks for sticking with me on this! I understand and certainly agree about the little rascal.

The Catholic Church has long taught the importance of a daily examination of conscience.

If we can't admit we're broken, we can't become better people.

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"I and the Father are One" Jesus Christ

John 10:30.

It's quite the statement.

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