Is The School System Broken?

in #blog7 years ago


Is the current school system broken?

The reason why I present this is since the 1800's the school system has been the same...

But yet the world as we know it, has changed...

Why hasn't the school system change?

In the past and in modern times the age range of attending school is from 6 years old to 18 years old...

In the past and in modern times public schools are tax payer funded...

In the past and in modern times the core curriculum is reading, writing and arithmetic...

What has changed in the core curriculum to help our children to be able to survive in today's world?

Is the school system broken?

What's your thoughts?


Of coarse it is broken. The statistics are overwhelming

How can we change this?

Not possible under the current Governmental structure. Only hope is outside the political system. Private or home schooled education.

Very good point.

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