3 Tips How To Work From Home Effectively

in #blog7 years ago


To some working from home sounds like a dream come true. Wake up when you want, start work when you want, even work in your pajamas if you so desire. Guess what? Working from home is something that most entrepreneurs struggle with. Why? The temptation to do other things than work is right in your face. Here are 3 Tips how to work from effectively.

Tip#1 You Must Have Self Discipline

I've been working from home since July 2015. Honestly it's not easy working from home. There are so many distractions. Distractions such as knowing that you can just turn on the TV, and start watching a show. Or you can pick up the phone and start talking to a family member or friend for long periods of times. In order to succeed you must have self discipline. Self discipline is the ability to make yourself do things that should be done. If you can master this piece, your experience working from home will be great!

Tip#2 Create Your Schedule

Working from home, you are the boss. You are running your own business. Just like in corporate america, businesses open at a certain time and then they close at a certain time. You as your own boss must decide what is the most effective schedule for your business. Are you going to conduct business from 9AM - 5Pm? or would it be some other combination like 11PM - 7AM? You must decide. Once you have made that decision stick to it. Time management is the key to your success as an entrepreneur that works from home.

Tip#3 Make Yourself Accountable

This one is a big one! With working from home it's just too easy to get side track or set things for later and the task ends up not getting done. It's way too easy. BUT, now you are working for yourself. You must reflect on your " Why". What is your "Why"? Your "Why", could be having the ability or means to take care of your parents. Provide an epic life for your family. Having the means to do what you want to do, when you want to do it... focus on your "why". This definitely has to do with your mindset, their is a reason why you decided why you wanted to be your own boss...live it.

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