Soros Says Brexit is Lose-Lose. Anything He Says, Do the Opposite

in #blog7 years ago

George Soros, that evil vampire of a man, has been doing damage to the UK for more than 40years, ever since his Quantum fund crashed the pound sterling in the 70's. He uses his billions to create NGO's that create strife in countries around the world.

He wears his globalist agenda on his sleeve. Of course he's for the Brits to stay in the European Union or to delay the Brexit long enough so that opinions may change in the mean time. He's even making a veiled threat to Theresa May in the article.

"If May wants to remain in power, she must change her approach to the Brexit negotiations. And there are signs that she is prepared to do so."

If George Soros wants the Brits to slow down the Brexit process to five years instead of two years, Brits better speed up the process. Rule of thumb, do the opposite of what Soros tells you to do, he does not have your best interests in mind.

By the way, why should the Brits care if the EU has a hole in their budget. What do they actually do with all the money other than construct pricey buildings, pay lavish salaries to unelected bureaucrats and go to steak lunches?

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George Soros is one devil. He is jewish and under the 2nd world war he helped the Nazi's seize property from Jews. Soros says this was the happiest moment of his life.

His answer to why he helped loot the Austrian Jews was something to the effect "If I didn't do it, someone else would."


Dude just noticed your comment .. great minds and all that :)

As a Brit living in Portugal I was totally against Brexit. for those of us that are happy to trundle around Europe it will make a huge difference. At the moment the main difference has been the exchange rate of sterling dropping against the Euro. My pension is paid into a UK bank and the exchange rate has hurt us.
With that in mind, Brexit has woken a lot of Europeans from their torpor and more countries are beginning to feel a public anger at the current situation in Europe generally.
Though I don't agree with Brexit, I do agree that Europe is broken and needs fixing for all countries. Britain should be a major player in those changes rather than sitting on the sidelines.Too many British dead are laying in European graveyards in the defence of Europe that our voices must be heard.

That makes a lot of sense. Your life is directly affected by the brexit. Im glad to hear Europeans are waking up to the realities they face.

British politicians should recognize the mistake and stop this madness.

Thank you for the reply. Which direction is the madness?

This dude is like Boris Karlov in full costume with a hangover! A man that once described his time looting and rounding up his fellow Jews to be sent to the concentration camps as "one of the best times of his life"

He really is an evil man and looks to be about 170 years of age.

In all seriousness, this living embodiment of evil has been manipulating and destroying lives for generations. How he can be allowed airtime is beyond me, he is a walking testament to the fact that "only the good die young"

It tells you something about the media, that they still give him airtime. It's as tho he's being honored with a lifetime achievement award for evil doing!

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