
Thx! I happened to read about it after asking ;)
Sdz gd to me!
Do you know what my cover-wall is 0r represent?
Check 0ut my page on your mobile to get a better visual ;)

I dont know whats the cover but for sure in a mobile it looks more cool.

Exactly! Lks way more cooler via m0bile and come on you know what I've been repN these past two wks, RDD!
Reddcoin l0go lol
Follow F0r FREE RDD

Yeah RDD you doing great with that coin lol..
Will follow you on twitter, once i get back the password of my old account, havent used since long time.

lol RDD Get 0wn(on) it! I'm adding yet another $20 to my RDD holdings but will be breaking down the BUY orders meaning, I just purchased RDD@25Sats using $5 and I placed 3 m0re orders using $5.
20 LOOKing f0r these orders to get filled this wknd. This will put me@82K ;)

You the real MVP ! I should learn how to trade from you lol

Ha thx! It took me awhile to understand why it's best to breakdown your orders, but sometimes it's not, WHY? because say 4example you have $100 to spare. You find 0r know what c0in you want to purchase and so you buy $100 0f this coin with current price rate(spot).

Now(like m0st 0f the time) the coin starts to head down and you wish you had waited to get in on that lower price BUT you can't cuz now you have no funds and 0f course you don't wnna sell@a loss, right!?

By taking the breakdown approach it can be just as cruel as you set BUY 0rders one lower after the other hoping that they all fill b4 a break above(breakout). Well, the break happened, it's going to the MOON and your not happy, WHY? simply because the market only filled one of your orders(on this one particular coin 0f course) and your profit isn't looking as great as you envisioned by all orders getting filled.

Good thing, is tht you can use those reserves(BTC) f0r another c0in while watching one 0f your coins shoot to the roof 0R you can simply purchase m0re on the way up with hopes of the c0in going to higher levels...

This is really good! Thanks for sharing it, you know can make a post about it too.. :D

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