
Anyone that thinks a short video is not a lot of work coz it's short has never worked on a video XD

I had this argument with a friend once. The friend was saying that creator's SHOULD do what fans want because the fans kind of partially own/have a stake in whatever they're a fan of once it's "out in the wild". I said just let the creator tell the bloody story however they want, it's their story, and if rabid fans want to scream about how much they hate it they can either stop watching or write fanfics to pretend they're fixing it.

I don't know where that argument in particular went but it got heated XD

It seems to otherwise be a sentiment shared by a lot of people as I remember reading a comment (probably on Youtube) where someone basically said that the creator owed it to the fans to pander to them because if not for the fans they wouldn't be where they are today. Kinda felt like retorting that the creator would probably make whatever it is they're making in spite of the fans, but what would fans do if the creator decided they'd had enough of fantard behaviour and just stopped?

I didn't respond and it was not too long after that that I stopped bothering to read comments. It took about a year but steem is now pretty much the only place where I'll flick through comments XD

I know you were aiming to have a backlog anyway in case you fell behind but fortnightly sounds a little bit more managable workload wise :)

I'm just catching up on past episodes--nice work, guys!

Also nice to see your house turning into a home, Vincent. :)

Cool! I'm getting there. It's still somewhere inbetween. I would call it a housme ;>)

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