Daily Love #4 - Growth

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

climbing a mountain

Life is great. I'm just getting the hang of SteemIt. There is a slew of projects here that I am working on. But I won't be announcing it until I finish developing then. In time, all will be revealed. In time, I hope you will enjoy the fruits of my labour.

It is a beautiful Wednesday morning. I'm about to head out to the gym and then get back home to work. Today I'd like to focus my attention on growth.

They say that change is constant. We are either moving up or moving down. We are never the same every day. Sometimes, it feels like I am sliding more than I am climbing. I struggle to find my footing on an icy slope when I should have claws to climb up the ice mountain. It is no fault of my own sometimes to be sliding down, but most of the time I can climb. Out of sheer will can I move up to the top.

I admire all the people that have come before me who have made it in life. We all are always striving towards having a better experience. To understand how to function and to think is what is needed to model and learn from the masters that have come before us.

I wish that I had a gazillion dollars and didn't need to worry about my future and how I am going to feed myself. But how annoying it will be if there were not all these challenges that lie before us.

I continue to pray that all of us have the spirit to strive towards living a life of meaning and that we will be able to contribute to society in our own unique way to make it a better place.

Change is always hard. It has never been easy especially when we start things at a later stage in life. We struggle. We feel tired. We think of giving up.

But I guess it's all about what we want in life. As Tun Mathahir says, "No pain no gain". We will have to go through the pain, and I pray that we will be able to overcome it to move further forward in life.

Times are going to be hard and sometimes plain painful. But I do hope that with a little help from God, we will be able to accomplish miracles that we can't even conceive.

Today a miracle happened. I was able to wake up at 4 AM in the morning. There is another 17 hours before I collapse on my bed.

I want to play my Xbox, watch TV and enjoy life.

But something is telling me that this would only impede my progress and slow down my growth. So I will work and hope that when I make it, maybe I will have more time to do the things that I enjoy.

Take care, and God bless!


Though your other posts were interesting, THIS POST reminds me of why I first took notice of your blogs!

I think you'll have much better success with this style of blog - it's carefully thought out, formatted nicely, and seems to have a more purposeful intent than the shorter blogs you've posted.

Really nice job @victorholyo! 100% upvote

Also, if you'd still like to be considered by the @welcomewagon as a recruit for next week - you would need to download Discord - as it's the tool that we use to communicate more easily with our recruits. Let me know if you're still interested :)

@dreemsteem, for the Welcome Wagon

hi @dreemsteem. I'd really love to be part of the @welcomewagon. May I know what is the channel on Discord that can join? Please send me an invite so that I can join the channel. Thanks.

Hi there! We are an "invisible" room in another discord channel that was willing to host us! :)
We didn't want our own channel, because part of the program helps to place newbies into the channel that suits them. We have a feeling if we had a discord - our newbies would just stay in our nest and not learn to fly! hehehehe so we give them a gentle nudge into the Steemit world and watch them thrive :)

But... having said that! We will be announcing the new recruits soon. We've been shadowing a few of you and have enjoyed you all! When we make the final selection - we'll give the link to the discord channel and give access to the "invisible" room :) hehehehe

Until then.... STEEM ON, my friend :)

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