Seeing The Universe Through Patterns:

in #blog7 years ago (edited)


Patterns exist everywhere in both the natural and man-made aspects of not only earth but the universe.

Some patterns are more complex than others but as an ultimate rule there is structure and effect to everything in existence.

We can see visual patterns within the natural environment. The shape of flowers, the patterns in leaves, patterns on the skin of animals as well as microscopic patterns such as those in snowflakes.

Patterns exist mathematically and scientifically in the way in which physical matter is measured and quantified.

Patterns can be witnessed within your own life not only through a visual, mathematical and scientific perspective but through a psychological and emotional one.

There are patterns that can be witnessed through family and social relationships.

Genealogical patterns exist where in which children repeat similar life patterns or 'dramas' that their parent's or other family members have repeated from their pasts. An example of such would be a son or daughter dating or marrying a partner which has striking similarities to either their mother or father therefore similar core issues arise within these relationships.

Social patterns or patterns which arise through friendships are also prominent in many people's lives. Often people befriend similar types of friends only to face the same problems and conflicts that they have experienced before.

These patterns become easier to witness when you are able to step outside of yourself and enact a degree of selfawareness to your everyday life and interactions.

The concept of patterns can also be taken on a much larger scale, where the entirety of life, the universe as we know is one complex split of a single pattern.

These patterns can be referred to as fractals where similar patterns continue to occur at smaller and smaller scales.

When we become aware of not only our own life patterns but that of the interconnectedness of the universe we are able to take a step back and choose a path which reflects a new tangent on a thread of this fractal.

Awareness of fractals or the cause and effect of each moment we live allows us to reconnect with the source of these patterns, the source of creation.

What patterns can you see?

(Image: Pixabay)

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